challenging: and T€V\"Ztl`€lill* career position in inanegeinent witliin ei Dl'GltIS5iOfiE1i environment. wliete my experience and ability to achieve i'esi_1lts can assist my employer with meeting organizational goals. PRGFLLE Resulte Driven Soles Executive with proven experience in revenue generation, nee-ount base management, employee supervision, employee beneiits and C-ost eontainment. Extensive retail sales merchandising and retail sales experience. ifleowleolgeeble in l\/lerlzet penetration, personal motivation. time management and employee supeiwfisioxi teelini< ues_ Positive ]3€ °SOll3l($€]T'l6E1I'l01`, willing to eesume challenging responsibilities and able to establish eonerete goals for achieving objectives. Recognized for iniiiustrgf sales leaéersliip. Experieneetl in budget dex-'elopnient and zidministration. Computer literate using W inflows and l`Viiei'oSoti Word, PRQFEESIUNAL EX*ER_iENCi `, Ennnazey, V399 to present Ceeejf insuranee Serviees Emploijf-'ee Eenefits Specialist i Work with Ernplojfei' and individuel bueiness owners, to establish health and supplemental insurance progran'zs that best fits their budget and employee neetis. IifEai" eli, E99o- 0€ "i`0BER, E9'}8 S él D Qoftee Comnany. Concord. l"~l<'1T Regional Massager for a national eo flee and beverztge company. Responsible tot inenaging wareliouse and eontroliing inventor}f. Business based on route sales E Wes Clireetly responsible over fleet. soles g1'oviftli, enstorner bases administ1'e, tion_ btxdge-tixig/, Supervising sales tbree and the inenngemeni of pfoiit and loss statements to insure bottom line profits. ., itzne, 992 -JA_NiiAjiU(, 3.996 Tomiastoiie Pizza Company, Pviee*i" os'd 'Fifi Route Stiles Senefifisei" tot e national food company. Responsible for the overseeing 0205 routes witb territories in i'\loi'tiie1'n Louisiana and Soutiuem AifE<21 i5es_ 1 wee oeeotiotable lor growth, maintaining excellent eomniunieation with eeeonnts, inerease ofsales, lleet management, i_nventoi'y, rnainteining proper stock levels ofprodnet tbl' three warellouses and opefating with budgets and inontifily general ledgets J.¢, NUARY, 197e-tviARCH, t99t Skaggs Atpxm Beta, Sat: Lake City. Umm Store Manager (1935 I 99i) Nolth Little Rock Arkansas, Little Rock Arkan5as_ Ogtien Utah, Salt Lake City Utah and Twin folk Iciaho. Supervisor of store managemeltt empioyeek and store ope1'ations_ Responsible for sales witllin each department, inventory coutroi, cash management. and prottts, worked with depau" t1nent'manage1'S and sttpem/}5ed daily store opetatioo for customer service. gitseistimt Store It/ianagez' 1980 - 1984 North Littie Rock, Little Rock and Fort Smith A1-kansas. Super'vised al! food departments: and me1nage1°s _ responsible for inventory control and daily store operations for customer service. ESDETCATEGN Graduate. ot`North Litiée Rock North East High Schooi U`.A.L.R. 1 year
Job Skills