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RssSenior Sales Leader - Account Manager - 20 years Experience - Nashville

Accomplished, high-energy sales executive with a consistent 20+year record of successfully increasing sales performance, market share, and profits, as well as leading top-level sales teams. A driven executive, skilled consultant, and adept negotiator. Successful at building and maintaining C- level relationships and assisting clients by solving complex problems. Solid face-to-face, presentation, and written communication skills, explaining complex concepts with clarity and precision. Possessing a history of achievement in analyzing businesses, products, markets, and growth opportunities, then introducing strategic and tactical sales and marketing solutions to improve competitive performance. Open to a variety of industries and opportunities as Senior-level sales producer or sales team leader.

Advertising Sales Agent

About Me


Sales & Sales Management


Advertising Sales Agent

Education level:

Some College Units Completed

Will Relocate:
