Full Time or Contract Work for myself or one of my firms taking advantage of 30 years of sales experience. I also have 18+ years of secret work for Government Agencies relating to Multiple Agencies that cannot be fully disclosed. Have personally had authority at multiple National Treasuries exceeding $500 T US per contract per day for specific projects. I have 30 years experience selling and designing sales systems; primarily for the selling of small ticket repeat purchases, and the selling of large ticket one time purchases. Dramatic increases in sales per week per man were usually achieved within about 90 days. The markets served have included long distance services, home improvement projects, and financial services. All selling to date has required the creation of urgency and first call closing skills and the design of systems for the same and hiring and training staff for the same. This type of selling is often called closing. Closing is easily identified as the method for completing the sale in one visit if possible. It has been said I am a professional closer with 30 years experience. A closer is a person skilled and able to interview an individual or group of individuals and close them on the sale, whether the sale is selling a product or presenting a person for a working relationship.

