SUMMARY OF QUALICATIONS Strategic Business Planning * Developed Productive Relationships * Market Expansion Extensive pharmaceutical sales experience with documented record of increasing market share and surpassing territory goals. Highest standards of ethics, diligently following all applicable government laws and regulations. Readily adaptable to changes in business environment. Established and maintained excellent relationships throughout the Western, Central and Southern Oregon and Northern California Medical Communities. Call points include hospitals, surgeons, Endocrinologists, Gastroenterology, Primary Care, Women's Care, Psychiatry, Pediatricians and Pharmacies. Primary focus on diabetes and gastroenterology. KEY STRENGTHS AND COMPETENCIES: * New Product Launches * High Impact Challenger Sales * Strategic Business Planning * Delivering On Commitments * Territory Growth and Development * Product and Disease State Education QUINTILES CONTRACTS AND TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS Responsible for promoting and increasing sales of prescription pharmaceuticals relating to Diabetes GERD Ulcerative Colitis Chronic Constipation Asthma ADHD Depression and Gout. * Developed strategic business plans which included managed care opportunities and pharmacy calls imperative to business. Diabetic education and promotion of Lantus/Toujeo as first injectable. * Successfully launched branded products in a largely generic marketplace. Self-driven managing immense territories and multiple states yet able to exceed call average goals of 9 target calls and 2 pharmacy calls per day. * Delivered weekly web cast educational lunch programs to targeted physicians. * Recruited providers for multiple robust evening speaker programs. * Effective utilization of data and managed care look up tools in pre-call planning. Acquired funding and hosted Oregon Society of Physician Assistants two years in a row which resulted in excellent ROI. territory by developing strategies such Responsible for obtaining prior authorizations for non-covered medications. * Certified Medical Assistant and Relief Site Coordinator. * Assisted Physicians with patient care and scheduling appointments. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: * Exceeded NRX second and third quarter goals 2014. * Highest ranked representative - 2012 Cresset Award Winner. * Ranked #1 out of 77 Sales Reps in Area for fourth quarter 2011 up from #2 ranked previous quarter. * as peer to peer educational programs to improve utilization of products promoted.

