BP 248 FSEG Tunis EL MANAR 2 Tunis, Tunisia 2092 06 December 2013 Mr.(MHAMDI Rochdi) Assistant executive FSEG Tunis EL MANAR 2 Tunis, Tunisia 2092 Re: Executive Administrative Assistant Dear Mr. / Ms.: I wish to submit my job application for the Executive Administrative Assistant position. Beholder of a B.A in economics B.A in Economics and have spent over nine years working as an administrative assistant in FSEG Tunis. On the whole, I have six years experience working in office administration. In my present role as Administrative Assistant at FSEG (faculty of economic and management) of Tunis (Tunisia: North of Africa), I am required to administer a range of universal administrative and specialized tasks in an appropriate and perfect manner. This comprise organizing meetings, distributing agendas, taking minutes at a variety of organization meetings and sending them to the appropriate attendees. I also have advanced Microsoft Office Suite skills and have used these to help produce the company’s yearly report and prospectuses that are obtainable on the company’s website. I can work separately in addition to in a team environment – with and without supervision. At the same time as providing quality help to the company’s President, I am furthermore required to act as a go-between with management and staff and assist 12 other staff members. This requires not only outstanding time management skills but also a specialized manner and an aptitude to communicate efficiently. I am sure and welcoming and believe that my experience and skills will be a benefit. Thank you for taking the time to mull over my application. I look forward to the chance of meeting with you and discussing my application for the position. I can be reached at (216) 52-945-792. Sincerely, MHAMDI Rochdi