To whom this concerns. For the past 20 years I have been involved in doing business with in the Agriculture sector as a Salesman, Manager and Regional manager. The types of businesses that I have worked to build relationships have range from food processing plants to fertilizer, chemical, and grain merchants. Each customer has purchased a wide variety of product lines to aid them in marketing their products or continuing their daily operations. The product lines have been, industrial Grade chemicals and supplies, and equipment, packaging material, marketing supplies and tools, commercial printing and custom print supplies . Before starting the sales to the corporate businesses I sold premix feed and complete feed to dairy, hog and cattle farmers. Various types of equipment were also offered and sold to aid the farmers in their daily operations. Equipment ranged from confinement feeders and mixers to slated flooring. I have been around agriculture for most of my life personally raising cattle and horses. My family was row crop and cattle farmers in northern Iowa and taught me a lot about soil conservation , agronomy, and animal nutrition. Being very familiar with daily operations and the needs of what it takes to get the bottom-line, has help to be successful in working with the variety of customers I have built relationships with over the years. At this time in my career I am looking to continue working in the ag business either selling or managing. The experience I have to offer is second to only what I have not achieved. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. Chris Neessen

