Enhance and apply my skills to develop appropriate solutions to interesting problems in a friendly environment.

Work Experience
Center for Software Engineering, University of Southern California | Associate | 1/2007 - 12/2010 |
(Confidential) | Sr. Research Associate | 7/2002 - Present |
School of Engineering, USC | Manager, Software Engineering Certificate Program | 7/2001 - 7/2002 |
(Confidential) | President | 6/1986 - Present |
TRW Defense Systems | Programmer | 6/1981 - 6/1986 |

University of Michigan | Computer & Communication Science | 1981 | Master Degree |
University of Michigan | Chemistry & Biology | 1979 | Bachelor Degree |

Social Media
Website | Linked-In | media url | Social Networking |

• Consulted or mentored 30 projects on software development issues, including software architecture, object-oriented design and implementation. • Developed course material for and taught system engineering and system–engineering management since 2010, software architecture since 2003, UML since 1995, object–oriented analysis and design methods since 1986, 50 projects for 35 clients. • Developed course material for and taught 150 public and private Ada courses since 1986 and 20 private C++ courses since 1995. • Best Paper award, Tools & Methods track, at Joint Meeting of Space Systems Cost Analysis Group (SSCAG), Society for Cost Analysis and Forecasting (SCAF) and the European Aerospace Cost Engineering (EACE), for “Cost Estimation for Secure Software & Systems” paper (with Barry Boehm). • Co–authored portions of the architecture analysis and design language (AADL) for real–time safety–critical systems which has been adopted as the standard of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Developed a draft Unified Modeling Language (UML) profile for the SAE AADL. • Consulted on software architecture and software costing on the SEA Enterprise Open Architecture Project Red Team for the U.S. Navy. Red Team identified critical issue that would have led to failure, and potential loss of billions of dollars. • Consulted on the Patriot Missile upgrade to Ada for U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command. Credited by Raytheon for substantially simplifying the upgrade by determining how new features of the proposed standard could be used to preserve a battle–tested concurrency model. • Solved a company’s problem over lunch to discuss hiring to mentor project, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars in implementation costs and tens of thousands in consulting fees. • Consulted on the definition of the Semiconductor Manufacturing Association’s standard process and notation for Computer Integrated Semiconductor Manufacturing (CIM). • Developed methods and processes for software engineering, including the Colbert Object–Oriented Software Development Method, which was used by NASA Langley Research Center for a Software Engineering Process Guide (, and used by 30 other projects, all successfully delivered. • Led research at University of Southern California’s Center for Software & Systems Engineering (USC CSSE) on costing secure systems for the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and Aerospace Corporation. • Wrote analysis and design portions of Lean Model–Based Software Engineering (Lean MBASE) method of the USC CSSE. • Co-Designer of scheme used by object-oriented Computer-Aided Software Development (CASE) Tool, allowing Mark V Systems to support 30-40 different notations. • Placed on TRW Honor Roll for Internal Research & Development of Ada-based Design Language and collaborative development tool. • Received SIGAda and LA ACM distinguished service awards. • International speaker on software development methodsCompanies I like:
Hi-Tech, software developers pushing the envelop of technology, inc. high-reliability, high-performance, high-safety, and/or high security commercial or military systems.

Job Skills


* For 25 years, manage a group of contractors and consultants on software development, engineering, and training with Ada, C++, Java, model-based architecture, object–oriented software development methods, software engineering, system engineering, and system engineering management.
*Manage a group of contractors and consultants on software development, engineering, and training with Ada, C++, Java, model-based architecture, object–oriented software development methods, software engineering, system engineering, and system engineering management.
* Managed development of certificate program for Computer Science Department in co-operation with Center for Software Engineering and Distance Education Network, developed course material, taught courses in program, developed marketing materials for program, assisted student recruitment, advised prospective students, monitored student progress. (Program cancelled when new Dean of Engineering wanted to go a different direction.)
* TRW Principal Investigator on Ada-based Program Design Language Internal Research & Development (IR&D).