Occupation:Clinical Regulatory Affairs |
Location:Piscataway, NJ |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Manage / implement a product stability program under current regulations; manage implementation of FDA requirements post 510(k) clearance

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Staff Scientist I | 8/1992 - Present |

Georgian Court College | Biology | 2000 | Master Degree |
Marywood College | Biology | Bachelor Degree |

Charged with developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from inception for software and device verification and validation for a global leader in homeostasis management and point-of-care (POC) testing. Working with minimal management guidance, sought training and certification via the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) and International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). Utilized training to development the company’s first SOPs for the verification and validation process. Subsequently employed these SOPs in project-managing verification and validation testing of 7 new coagulation analyzers and 5 data management software applications by a team of 6 biomedical research/development and software engineering personnel, including close cooperation with external vendor of a web-based application on issues relating to compatibility with devices as well as configuration and connectivity options. • Undertook development and implementation of processes and SOPs for a new product stability program in response to a U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) directive identifying critical deficiencies in existing program. Conducted gap analysis of existing program to identify missing components and deficiencies in light of applicable regulatory guidelines and wrote new SOPs ensuring full-compliance of company’s reagent stability monitoring program with ISO 13640 and CLSI EP25-A standards – including procedures for additional stability testing for simulated transport studies, accelerated studies at varying temperatures, in-use studies, and expanded real-time and room temperature stability studies. Additionally, developed formal Quality Plan detailing methodology for program implementation and collaborated with Biomedical Quality Control Department in stability program one-year phase-in based on product requirements. • Conducted field training and support initiatives. Included among these were training technical personnel of a major metropolitan area research and teaching hospital on use of in-vitro coagulation monitors and software applications and on-site collaboration with a hospital’s head perfusionist and staff on test techniques and troubleshooting to resolve technical issues with diagnostic results during cardiac-catheterization procedures. Recognized by employer for superior performance associated with data submission and software verification-validation of a new micro-sample coagulation analyzer via receipt of Premier Performer Award – just the second employee company-wide to receive this distinction.Companies I like:
medical device companies; adjunct college professor; education manager within a company

Job Skills


Senior Scientist with a distinguished twenty-plus year professional career in planning and project-managing testing and quality management initiatives supporting the development of medical devices and diagnostic assays. Industry background supplemented and enhanced by experience in educating students Core competencies include:
• Verification/Validation Studies • Resource Allocation • Project Management
• Study/Master Test Planning • Protocol Development • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
• Data Equivalence Testing • User Acceptance Testing (UAT) • Reliability Testing
• Stability Testing • Alpha Clinical Protocols • Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs)
• Product-Process Risk Assessment • Quality Control/Management • Quality System Regulatory Compliance
• High-Performance Team Building • Training/Development • Information Management
A creative, motivated analyst, communicator, facilitator, and leader with a resolute detail orientation, the unique ability to communicate and collaborate with scientific and management personnel, and a verifiable record of achievement in employing diverse resources in the timely completion of projects and attainment of objectives.