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RssSales Manager/Assistant Manager

To manage and motivate associates and get them to where they need to be while allowing them to grow themselves with their true potential.My objective is truly to help and motivate those who don't believe in themselves and turn them into true believers that they can do ANYTHING they want if they allow themselves while bringing the company to success!

Retail Sales Supervisor

Mount Jackson, VA

About Me


Sales & Sales Management


Retail Sales Supervisor


Was in the TOP 10 when I worked at Origins in the district and regional district!EVERY week

Ideal Companies:

Starbucks, Origins, MAC

Education level:

Trade School

Will Relocate:



Mount Jackson, VA

Major Responsibilities

Manage a team of 5 and motivate them to get where they need to be in order to succeed beyon their limits!Also there to listen to their goals and dreams of where they want to take their job

Work Experiences

3/2007 - 10/2009



  • Assitant Manager-Assist the store manager with hiring and wotking with the skin care guides and showing them the way to be successful with their personal goals while at the same time assisting them with the store goals so the store would make the day at the sametime.Helping them and monitoring their strengths.

1/1999 - 1/2012

Rayzor Team Photography


  • Apply makeup to the models and prepare them for the photo shoot

