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Rsssales manager, marketing, training and motivating sales reps

My preference would be a regional coordinator, area representative, sales manager or territorial manager

Agricultural Sales Representative

Williamsport, PA

About Me


Sales & Sales Management


Agricultural Sales Representative


increased marketshare averaged 1%/ year for 20 years introduced a new comcept to the marketplace developed some marketing ideas managed 30 commissioned sales reps over saw $3/m sales and product lifecyle

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Williamsport, PA

Work Experiences

3/2008 - 1/2009

Allied Seed LLC


  • regional reprsentative to the distributors in an area from Michigan to Maryland thru New England. Work with smaller distributors as well. Find opportunities for distributors to "grow" their business.

9/2006 - 9/2007

United Agri Products


  • As a Territory Seed Specialist, I worked with a sales force to educate them more on seed traits and products. Worked to find products that performed in their area. Covered an area from Northern VA thru Maryland, PA and Northern NJ.

6/1999 - 9/2006

Chemgro Seeds Inc


  • As a District Sales Manager, I hired, trained, motivated, supported and when necessary dismissed independent sales reps. We trained them on product performance, agronomic issues, seed traits etc

4/1997 - 6/1998

Bio Works, Inc


  • As National Agronomic Sales Rep, I was to introduce a new concept of a Biological Fungicide to the marketplace where they had no "fit". We found a niche market for the product in sugar beets

3/1974 - 12/1995

Pioneer Hi Bred Int


  • As a District Sales Manager, I was to hire, train, educate, motive and when necessary to dismiss a team of 35 independent sales reps. We gained market share at an average of 1%+ per year for 20 years.

