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RssOne of the Originators of SOA, A "Brand Name" in Enterprise/Product Architecture, Design & Development Methodology

Chance to make my new employer a highly visible success

Project Manager

Ransom Canyon, TX

About Me


Information Technology


Project Manager


Chaired IBM Guide Banking Futures Committee Architecture Taskforce Helped develop X9a ANSI Standard One of the Originators of Service Oriented Architecture Published in IBM Journal of Systems Research US Patent Presented at RSA Security Conference (paper on adding Kerberos to CORBA compliant ORBs)

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Ransom Canyon, TX

Work Experiences

6/1999 - 3/2002

Candle Corporation


  • Held 2 positions. Initially hired as a "Solutions Architect" to design solutions using Candle's integration software and project manage pilots/proof of concepts validating designs, but promoted to "Alliances Program Manager" with Profit & Loss responsibility for all "partner" relationships. This included Joint Venture developments, Technology licensing, and the External Sales Channel (over 200 companies in 59 countries). In an article, one of the IBMers is quoted saying that a primary reason IBM decided to buy Candle was my PATHWAI joint venture product (using Information Builders data adapters to feed Candle operations software to dynamically adjust the operations environment in order to guarantee performance levels for Web transaction support). The product is now part of Websphere and Tiviol offerings (http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/mainframe/marchapril06/coverstory/10080p1.aspx)

12/1997 - 10/1998

C2i Solutions

Director / VP

  • Run Reengineering Practice, Technically supervise Paris sub, and consult (Y2k & Euro conversions,analysis,remediation,validation, and project/change management)

3/1995 - 12/1997

American Management Systems

Director / VP

  • Manage Reengineering Practice and consult (Bank of Montreal branch system & web products, Fiat Sava Prometheo implementation, Southern New England Telecom reengineering, Royal Bank of Canada data warehouse/marts & Business Intelligence,Amerin reengineering & temp CIO)

10/1992 - 8/1994

Arkhon Technologies

Director / VP

  • Design, Implement, & Support Sales of automated Network Manager product. Project manage successful "pilot" implementations at John Deere and Texaco. Support Marketing (Sales calls, Product introduction to press, and booth at Comdex).

3/1991 - Present



  • Sell Contracts, Consult, and Run Company Note - My company runs concurrently with all positions since 1991. I used it as a "Golden Parachute" to take contracts between "regular" jobs. Although I never intended to make it full time, I have done significant work through it. (i.e. reengineered Arab National Bank in Riyhad, Byron Nuclear Powerstation Y2k analysis & remediation, etc.)

6/1990 - 2/1991

Knauer Consulting

Director / VP

  • Run Network Support outsourcing and Information Architecture consulting practice. (Sell contract and Implement network Help Desk for PG&E, Design Customer Analysis metrics project for Levi Strauss)

9/1985 - 6/1990

Bank of America

Individual Contributor

  • Enterprise Architect for Retail Operations. Hired as architect for TPF conversion. After bank changed CIO,I stayed as MVS Architect. Served on ANSI X9a standards committee, did Network consolidation, did analysis for potential technology investments, developed standards and implemention integration methodoloy for SOA.

2/1984 - 9/1985

Knauer Consulting

Individual Contributor

  • Consult on architecture projects (LA Times continuous operations project,Control Data banking service bureau implementation and Bank of America TPF conversion). Chaired IBM Guide Banking Futures Architecture Committee.

8/1980 - 2/1984


Individual Contributor

  • Systems Architect for Continuous Integrated System (invented SOA to solve 24/7 requirement supporting non-continuous mainframe environments)real time posting retail banking product. Developed Standards, Implementation Methodology and Development Methodology (before BPEL). Validated with Chris Gaines (Gaines & Sarson methodology) and Ed Cobb (SQL & DB2 implementor). Did Data Modeling and Process Modeling (before UML was invented). Note was sold to 16 of the top 100 banks (by assets) at the time. Anacomp management dictated that all new development projects (Integrated Hospital System) would use Architecture and major existing products would be "retrofitted" (Kransley Credit Card switch).

1/1979 - 8/1980


Director / VP

  • Hired as Sonar Consultant, Promoted to Data Processing Manager (Jaycor had no data centers when hired, designed and implemented 3 for key projects), and promoted again to Southwest Region Manager (profit & loss responsibility for region). [Literally got off plane in San Antonio with a signed contract (NTPPR) requiring San Antonio operation because of required laison with School of Aerospace Medicine and Jaycor check book. A true "greenfield" opportunity.]

9/1976 - 12/1978

Florid Institute of Technology/Underwater Sound Ref. Lab

Individual Contributor

  • Taught compute programming classes as Assoc. Professor, Developed pollutant dispersion model for EPA, Research Physicist for NRL and Grad Student. Note - US Patent for Transducer invented as part of Thesis.

2/1973 - 9/1976

Williams Companies


  • IMS Operations Manager for all Williams companies (7 at the time) with managment & budget responsibility for staffing/training/continuous(24/7) operations/capacity planning/application development & support/external consulting

2/1973 - 9/1976

Loeb-Rhodes (now merged into Shearson)


  • Designed and Implemented portions of HERMI data base management system, later Project Manager of design & implementation of brokerage applications using the HERMI system. Completed New York Institute of Finance Backoffice Brokerage Operations training program.

7/1970 - 6/1971

Turnkey Systems

Individual Contributor

  • Hired as Consultant, convinced management to build Taskmaster (TP Monitor) product. Designed and Implemented product which supported multiple mainframe (IBM & non-IBM) environments when CICS did not.

1/1969 - 7/1970


Individual Contributor

  • Trained as internal consultant to Endicott manufacturing plant. Developed labor standards for Disk manufacturing line, and automated Torsional Braid Analyser in Manaufacturing Research Lab (technique published in IBM Journal of Systems Research), before transfered to CIMPAC (manufacturing floor control Operating System) development and support group. Designed and implemented ROD (Remote Online Debug) component (Features included setting address stops, memory location display & modification, etc.)

