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RssProject Manager and Social Entrepreneur specializing in International Education

Searching for a position in a nonprofit organization that will allow me to have a positive impact on society and to travel internationally


Boston, MA

About Me






- Awarded a number of prestigious scholarships, grants, assistantships, and internships, including a competitive internship with the United Nations Development Program - Spent a month in Benin, Togo, and Ghana as a Research Assistant - Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Alpha Theta honors fraternities, National Honors Society; awarded Honors Diploma and other scholarly accolades - Have designed and implemented training curriculums which, upon evaluation, were revealed to be highly successful and well received - Helped provide over 200 students in Massachusetts with free tutoring services and home computers

Ideal Companies:

International Institute for Liberal Education, Oxfam, Jobs for the Future

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Boston, MA

Work Experiences

7/2008 - 2/2009

Educate Online


  • Program Enrollment Coordinator, Massachusetts - Project Management: Coordinated the statewide enrollment process for innovative program that provides free tutoring services and access to technology for students from low-income families; ensured compliance with state and federal law; met fiscal and program performance reporting requirements - Community Organizing: Promoted the program through public speaking events, canvassing, and conducting workshops; worked with a diverse set of stakeholders (students, parents, school administrators, government officials, nonprofit professionals, and members of the clergy) to build momentum for the program and to guide parents through the enrollment process - Leadership: As the only salaried employee in the state, I hired, trained, and managed a canvassing staff, strategically planned all outreach activities, and increased submitted applications from 128 (in 2007) to 909 (in 2008)

3/2008 - 5/2008

Institute on World Problems

Contractor / Freelance

  • Consultant, Seminar Organizer - Planner and co-organizer of the “Seminar on World Problems and their Solution” held May 12-13, 2008 at the Humber Institute of Technology in Toronto; handled logistics, costing/purchasing, advertising, and support

2/2008 - 3/2008

Small Planet Institute

Contractor / Freelance

  • Consultant, Strategic Outreach Coordinator - Designed and implemented strategic outreach plan for the books Democracy’s Edge and Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad for best-selling author Francis Moore Lappé

8/2007 - 1/2008

United Nations Development Programme

Entry Level

  • Senior Program Assistant, Equator Initiative (Graduate Internship in Project Management) - Worked with indigenous and community organizations from around the globe, Dutch and German government officials, Fordham University, and Carnegie Mellon University (and a range of other stakeholders) in the launch of the Community Knowledge Service, a partnership that allows indigenous and community organizations that seek to simultaneously sustain biodiversity and alleviate poverty to share best practices and access funding sources

6/2007 - 7/2007

Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

Contractor / Freelance

  • Training and Curriculum Design Consultant - Researched, designed and helped implement a comprehensive pre-departure training curriculum for the 2007 Humber/Canadian International Development Agency International Youth Internship Programme (CIDA IYIP) - Taught two training modules (CIDA/IYIP Information Session; Community Awareness Planning)

12/2006 - 6/2007

Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning


  • Assistant Program Manager, International - Assisted in the operation of a major International Program, which included managing student exchange programs, international development projects, international internship recruitment and coordination, and a busy social calendar, all in a highly multicultural environment; brokered partnerships and planned a range of events - Researched, designed, helped to implement, and evaluated the Canadian Practicum for Entrepreneurship and Business Development, a month-long capacity building program in social entrepreneurship and business planning for representatives of the Bangladesh Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry

8/2005 - 8/2006

Bowling Green State University

Individual Contributor

  • Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant - Teaching assistant for world history sequence at BGSU, History 151: Human Origins to 1500 and History 152: The Modern World, 1500-Present; duties included delivering lectures, grading student work, and facilitating group activities - Research Assistant for a summer seminar in African culture and history in Benin, Togo and Ghana; duties included managing financial documentation, coordinating travel, meeting reporting requirements, and collection of data

6/2005 - 8/2005

Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center

Entry Level

  • Assistant Curator of Manuscripts (Graduate Internship in Public History) - Duties: Grant-writing, exhibit preparation, archiving, database management, research, and collection management

