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RssSenior Manager, ePublications and LMS/CMS Applications Support

I am looking for a position that will allow me to leverage my unique leadership and technical skills in an entrepreneurial environment.

Application Support

About Me


Information Technology


Application Support


I have held leadership positions all my life, both elected and earned based on merit. I have built my own business from scratch and, in partnership with other principals, I have participated in the founding and expansion of two successful multi-million dollar, multi-unit companies, serving in them as Director of Operations and Vice-President of Operations, respectively. That being said, I have never been afraid to start at the bottom and work my way up. In 1992, I retrained, retooled, and changed careers. As a multimedia developer, and later, as an online content publisher, I started at the bottom of the food chain, proved myself over time, and subsequently, earned senior management positions in both of these job categories. I have managed projects successfully across multiple work groups, both internal and external, overseas and stateside. I have worked directly with and/or managed non-technical content creators and providers, technologists of all stripes and persuasions, and senior operating and corporate executives. Along the way I have developed a successful secondary career as a fine arts digital printmaker. Establishing a high level of competence in an art form has made me more credible and effective as a technology manager when working with folks on the design side of product development. I believe this fact, coupled with my considerable business, entrepreneurial and online publishing experience, provides me with a clear and commanding understanding of the various psychologies that come into play in technology projects where the delivery of content online to a consumer is the primary goal.

Education level:


Will Relocate:


Work Experiences

5/1999 - 12/2008



  • Charged with establishing and maintaining effective lines of communication between publishing division, Holt Rinehart and Winston (HRW) and Harcourt corporate Learning Systems group during company reorganization (2007), subsequent company sale (2008) to Houghton Mifflin, leading to further reorganization and systematic downsizing of the organiza-tion. Organized and collaborated with HRW’s Business Knowledge Team to facilitate data dumps intended to inform the design and development of an industrial strength, K-12 Learning Management System (LMS). Within the context of a PMI defined framework, played a principal and collaborative roll with HRW’s Director of Technology Marketing, Director of Multimedia Production, Vice President of Learning Systems, and the President of HRW to keep multimillion dollar LMS project on schedule and on budget.

