Occupation:Billing, Cost or Rate Clerk |
Location:Warren, MI |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:No |
Once given the opportunity to understand the business, if allowed can be a positive force within the company to increase efficiency, profits, focus. An increased performance within the company itself.

Work Experience
Ford Motor Co. | (Confidential) | 7/1971 - 12/2006 |

Concordia University | H.R. Administration | 2000 | Bachelor Degree |

ISO 14001Environmental Stewardship ProgramDeveloped and implemented the ISO 14001 Environmental Program from corporate guidance book. Revised guidebook to meet plant requirements, generate new procedures and work practices from identified environmental aspects when plant operations change. Train via classroom instruction and develop plant personnel to understand, and follow the ISO 14001 Program. Perform audits of the environmental system on each department in the plant to ensure the program is working and being followed. Require yearly refresher of the environmental system via training of plant personnel to maintain program.Air Reporting: Required by MDEQ and Federal EPAGenerate required reports from raw data supplied from each air permitted voc process. From these reports develop a monthly and yearly projection of voc tonnage and extrapolate yearly totals to assure compliance with all air permitted lines under Title V air rules. Track and record all fugitive voc emission solvents supplied to paint system on a monthly and yearly basis to acquire projection for yearly totals of tonnage. When I began recording yearly tonnage, the Utica plant emitted 5,200 tons of voc emissions. By the time I left Utica, the plant emitted under 250 tons of voc emissions, a 95% reduction. This was accomplished by engineering controls (voc incineration) and product substitution. Paints that had lower voc/gal of product sprayed. Record CFC emission reports from raw data supplied from CFC technicians. Submit CFC reports on a monthly and yearly basis to track fugitive emissions leaking from air conditioning and cooling equipment within the plant and implement corrective actions to repair leaks.Waste Handling OperationsPackage waste streams: Hazardous, non-hazardous, universal according to category in appropriate drums, and other approved packaging. Generate waste approvals for each waste stream for acceptance by the local Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility. Develop flow diagrams to document waste generation. Schedule required pickups for waste streams at plant facility as required by the 90 day rule for large quantity generators. Generate waste manifest to transport waste from facility. Review new processes coming into the plant and develop strategies for minimization and waste disposal. Collect used oil from all processes that leak oil and drop into a 6,000 gallon tank for recycling. Remove used oil by tanker when used oil tank is full.Environmental Surveillance Facility AuditsOn a daily, weekly, and monthly basis conducted surveillance audits to maintain compliance with state and federal regulations. Record findings, and if necessary implement corrective actions to ensure environmental compliance. Supervising Plant Personnel and Outside ContractorsDuring my time at the Utica plant I have directed both hourly plant personnel along with outside contractors and in some special circumstances salary personnel that were involved in some capacity with an environmental activity, such as waste handling, training or reporting requirement. State and Federal Plant Surveillance Compliance AuditsWhen required by plant management, I have interacted with state and federal officials when they have visited the Utica Facility to audit the plant for environmental compliance. Recycling: Plastic, Polystyrene, Polypropylene, Office Paper, CardboardInvolved in tracking tonnage of above listed recycle waste streams via an excel spreadsheet. Also I was Involved in looking for other recycling opportunities within the plant facility as operations changed.Employee Right-to-Know RegulationsI worked with the IT Department to implement a 24/7 access to computer generated MSDS’s (Material Safety Data Sheets) required by law. Anyone at any time could access the system by means of a computer located on the shop floor to run off a product work sheet to find out how to handle a hazardous product in a safe manner.Emergency Response Team (ERT)I was also involved with the emergency response team when I was at the Utica Plant. I trained and donned a level II suit to handle chemical spills at the plant or if needed to rescue a fallen employee within any part of the 2,000,000 square foot facility. I participated on this team for a period of five years.Companies I like:
None Specified

Job Skills


Environmental Engineering:
Implemented benchmark analysis for contractor cost reductions (saved 2 Million).
Initiated Material Safety Data Sheet Access 24/7 to meet OSHA Regulations.