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RssStrategic E#xecutive -- Seasoned

Senior Executive: Strategy � Process � Turnaround: Program/project management, development and implementation. Leader and practical strategist focused on solving key strategic and operational issues with experience in multiple industries. Strengths include analytical problem solving, team leadership, communication with senior/executive management, and relationship building.

Administrative Services Manager

Champaign, IL

About Me


Management & Business


Administrative Services Manager


Senior Consultant - Project Manager Assistant to President Director of (Strategic) Planning Manager, Research & Planning Plant Manager � Materials Manager Operations Research Analyst Supervisory Engineer Internal Consultant Management Analyst - IT Production Controller

Ideal Companies:

Medium to large cap organizations, Deep technical preoccupation, Aggressive thrust - grow or die, Focus on cash generation, aggressive thrust, professionalism and precision management.

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Champaign, IL

Major Responsibilities

Senior Consultant/Project Manager - Strategic Projects: Corporate & Operations Strategy Led client and consultant teams to solve strategic business issues for Fortune 1000 companies, operating as independent contractor to top boutiques. Selected Engagements: ? Managed margin expansion efforts despite stagnant markets: reorganized procurement in a Canadian telecom giant. With top management, merged cellular unit with cable, reorganized supply chain, and consolidated commodity categories to leverage C$65 million annual savings. ? Led client officers in analysis of on/offshore oil drilling: allowed for doubling of volume – without significant overhead increase – thus pursuing a strategy to exploit opportunities of an increase in global market size; with vastly improved asset utilization. ? Reengineered part of a German multi-national pharmaceutical unit to address weaknesses in supply chain, operations, schedule flexibility (for marketing), and margin. Redesigned production protocols and metrics to increase throughput, quality and operating precision: $10.5 million immediate savings resulted, plus the ability to assume 30± percent additional volume. ? Developed strategy, with marketing and operations, to penetrate present markets via enhanced customer response and versatility. Achieved a $26.2 million inventory reduction – with increased service levels – for a medical/surgical device marketer; while utilizing 6-sigma diligence. ? Conceived and prioritized various tactical projects to yield $26.8 million margin expansion during a downstream energy turnaround and post-merger integration engagement. ? Managed, with an eclectic team, $45 million improvement in annual costs for a Tier I automotive supplier and multinational steel producer; via strategies for asset utilization and energy management.

Work Experiences

5/1997 - Present


Contractor / Freelance

  • Corporate & Operations Strategu, Process Improvement, Implementation

4/1988 - 5/1997



  • Manager, Research & Planning ? Operated a family of econometric forecast models with exceptional accuracy (R2?95%). ? Monitored environmental and business unit statistics to analyze, interpret and report to management. ? Maintained master unit schedules for 35 product lines at seven global manufacturing locations. ? Managed downstream supply chain with entities on six continents ? Formulated niche product like extension strategy, with a diverse team, to provide $7 million additional volume @ 36% margin. ? Designed and deployed original market planning system, and managed the process, for field sales and marketing organization at 100+ locations in North and South America. ? Maintained various business intelligence systems and performed varieties of statistical /analytical research. ? Provided the in-house resource for strategic and tactical planning, forecasting, modeling, & simulation and primary and secondary market & business research. Overall market share was increased by one-fifth; profitability achieved [88–92].

10/1985 - 4/1988

US Navy


  • ? Concurrently managed teams of prime contractor, laboratory, shipyards, and vendor personnel on several efforts, supervised 40+ military/civilian professional personnel. ? Marketed electronic, electric and mechanical test & measurement equipment, and maintained inventory aboard the ICBM submarine fleet and its four surface tenders. ? Procured all maintenance, repair, operating (MRO) supplies, tools and equipment for the new Strategic Weapons Facility Atlantic (SWFLANT) at Kings Bay, GA. ? Managed/supervised fabrication of printed wiring boards in-house. ? Later, was In-Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) for a specialized computer (hardware) system.

4/1980 - 4/1985


Director / VP

  • Director of Planning – Assistant to President ? Led team of cross-functional officers, directors and managers in deployment of an all-new annual planning procedure as part of a complete integrated planning system. Planning system included new planning principles, processes, thought frameworks, IT tools, planning and training artifacts, and management routines. ? Turned around $400 million high-volume, multiple SKU durables unit during ’80-82 double-dip recession. ? Managed in-house post-merger integration activities after purchase by a multinational high-tech conglomerate. ? Developed, with aforementioned officers, market-driven strategic plans and presented to global management. Scope was from econometric /environmental forecast to pro formas; the base for budgets & capacity plans. ? Administered integrated quality and organizational development programs; Lean, 6Sigma, etc. FROM TO FROM TO Pretax Income (1.0) % 14.0% Gross Margin 28.0% 36.4% Share of Market 8.3% 12.1% Inventory Turns 8.1 13.0 ? Tactical: Forecast & monitored internal/external business trends, integrated actual & forecast data with sales/manufacturing activity levels, provided a crosscheck to operating departments; advised the president.



Master Degree

Ball State University

  • MBA Strategic Management & Business Policy


Bachelor Degree

Ohio State University

  • Industrial Engineering - Operations Research

