Continuously requested to perform at high levels to recruit personnel to participate in numerous contingencies/exercises/staff vacancies. Amazingly proficient, always follows through, loyal, trustworthy and never backs down from responsibility!

Work Experience
USAF | (Confidential) | 3/1983 - 9/2006 |

Eastern Kentucky University | Phys Ed | 1983 | Bachelor Degree |

3700 PRG Airman of the Year, Miss Congeniality of the Miss Lackland Pageant, Athlete of the Year (Belgium), 17AF Athlete of the Year Finalist, 1993/4/5: USAFE Powerlifting Champion, 1995 US Natinals Powerlifting Champion, 1996 World Championship Team - 3rd place deadlift, numerous track & field titles (AF 100M Hurdle Champion-1985) and much more...Companies I like:
Northrup Grummond, General Dynamics, Boeing, Florida Department of Corrections

Job Skills

I have been assigned to staff positions my entire career. I can handle any request(s) given to me. I was recently responsible for handling a staff of Air Force Instructor pilots and navigators, ensuring all personnel actions were handled expeditiously. I made sure all personal history was accurate and up-to-date when it came time for their records to meet promotion boards. I initiated a listing that enabled the assigned pilots to receive an advanced training course otherwise not available to them. I also processed navigator students (400 annually) through their primary and intermediate phases of training. I was the liaison for the students and some of their concerns directly to the Commander. I also assisted the Commander on keeping the pulse of the squadron personnel by letting him know the trends. If there were 'brewing' issues, I would give him a 'head's up' so he would be aware before it could blow up in his face, or intercede at prevent the issue from developing further.