25+ years in SOLVING business related and legal problems. Proven success in leading and organizing profit-motivated team environments to realize objectives and goals. I have created startup companies which quickly grew to multi-million dollar entities and have consulted in re-organization efforts to turn around problem-laden companies. Significant experience encompassing finance/accounting, administration, contract negotiation, business litigation and securities investment management. An accomplished, versatile professional adept in real estate, municipal and corporate bonds, equities, contract negotiations and State and Federal Court systems. Excellent communication skills highlighted by successful negotiations, board level presentations, public speaking and written documentation. Strong computer skills with varied software applications.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 8/1994 - Present |
1st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. | (Confidential) | 2/1987 - 12/1995 |
Southern Structures, Inc. | (Confidential) | 1/1986 - 2/1987 |
Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc. Investment Banking | (Confidential) | 2/1984 - 1/1986 |

Texas Wesleyan School of Law | law | 1994 | Law Degree |
University of Texas at Arlington | Finance | 1990 | Master Degree |
Texas A&M University | Management | 1971 | Bachelor Degree |

Sole Proprietor/Law Firm August, 1994 to Present Michael Gregory Attorney at Law Ft. Worth, TXConverted a fledgling law practice into a thriving general practice of law including:• business consulting/litigation• corporate law• real estate and construction planning/litigation• regulatory compliance – State and Federal• family law, probate and financial planning• criminal defense litigationServices provided have included:• litigation• valuation and planning• business development• contract negotiation, preparation and implementation• formation of business entities• set up of initial administration and operations• preparation and filing of corporation documents• evaluating financing alternatives• consulting on selection and implementation of IT hardware and software • consulting and preparation of tax and financial reports• consulting of financing alternatives: bank, equity, factoring, asset-based, angel and government loan programs• probate, family and criminal litigation, negotiation, trial and appealsPresident/CEO February, 1987 to December, 19951st ABC Construction Specialists, Inc. Hurst, TXCreated, developed and managed this masonry and general contracting construction company from start-up to multi-million dollar annual sales. • Administration and management• financing and accounting• risk management• operations management• estimating, contract negotiations, purchasing• systems management• marketing and procurement private and government sector• payroll and reporting• price/cost analysis, evaluation and negotiations - subcontractors and suppliers• government contracting• review, follow-up on regulatory documentationGeneral Superintendent January, 1986 to February, 1987Southern Structures, Inc. Ft. Worth, TX• Supervision of Texas operations multi-city, multi-projects $500,000 to $1+ million• Oversight of scheduling and ordering of materials, equipment and manpower• project cost accounting, review and reporting to senior ownershipInvestment Analyst/Account Executive February, 1984 to January, 1986Eppler, Guerin & Turner, Inc. Dallas, TX• Marketing/sales of investment products through regional firm: municipal bonds, stocks, limited partnerships, etc.• management and reporting of private investor portfolios• conducted public investment seminarsCompanies I like:
Small to medium firms with sales of $5mm to $50mm

Job Skills

