Occupation:Training & Development Manager |
Location:Florence, VT |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Highly motivated and professional training manager with exceptional interpersonal, communication and leadership skills. I am resourceful creative, loyal and ethical.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 1/2000 - Present |

University of Phoenix | Business Management | 2003 | Bachelor Degree |

Roadmap to Success - A plan to valuate all employees of the Court Services Bureau. I designed, developed and implemented this program for the Sheriff's Court Services Bureau. San Diego Domestic Violence Council member - Dealing with Judicial and Community related domestic violence issues, and program implementation. I developed the San Diego Sheriff's Department Temporary Restraining Order Informational Pamphlet. Deputy Sheriff Corporal, San Diego Court Services Bureau In-Service Training Unit, as the Training Coordinator March 2005 to present, I am in charge of creating, disseminating and coordinating training for 471 Sheriff's Department Law Enforcement and Professional Staff personnel. Project Development, I created the Project Process Mapping for the Transportation and Housing of Inmates for the Chula Vista Police Dept. Jail Facility Project 2004 thru completion in 2005. Deputy Sheriff Corporal, Chula Vista Court Services April 2002 to April 2005. Site Emergency Coordinator for the South Bay Court Facility - In charge of the implementation and coordination of Emergency Services within the South Bay Court Facility. Field Training Officer 1995 to present. Process Improvement Team member for Standardization of Training within the Courts for the Sheriff's Court Services Bureau December 2004. I Received an Exemplary Service Award for my work completed as part of this team. Mobile Field Force Assistant Squad Leader Firestorm 2003. Process Improvement Team for Performance Impact Evaluations 2002 for the San Diego County Sheriffs Department. I received an Exemplary Service Award for my work as part of this team. Planned Researched and Coordinated Three Multi-Agency Warrant Sweeps in the South Bay Region of San Diego 1999-2002. Deputy San Diego County Sheriff's Department Chula Vista Court Services Bureau January 1, 2000 to April 1, 2005, handling Court and Field related services, Felony and Misdemeanor warrant investigations and, law enforcement field investigations. Composite Mutual Aid Platoon September 1996 to December 1999. Courthouse Emergency Medical Unit Assistant Coordinator for the Chula Vista Court July 1997 to July 2005. San Diego County Marshal's Office Security Response Team member from October 1994 to December 1999. Duties included: responding to and the investigation of Judicial Threats, Judicial Escorts, AR15 Rifle Squad, Tactical Entries and Searches. In charge of the Chula Vista Marshal's Office Misdemeanor Warrant Investigations Detail 1997 to 1999. Field Training Officer San Diego County Marshal's Office - 1996 to 1999. Assigned to Chula Vista Marshal's Office in January 1991, duties included; service of Warrants, Civil Process, and the Training of Deputies in field and court related duties. San Diego County Deputy Marshal 7/19/86 to 12/31/1999. Duties included: Court Security, Field related duties, Warrant service, Judicial Protection, Service of Civil Process and the Plain Clothes Felony Warrant Team.Companies I like:
Ford, General Motors, General Electric, DynCorp, Sony, Amoco, Macy's, Sharp Health Care

Job Skills


I have been insrumental in the formation and management of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Court Services Bureau Training Unit.
I created, developed and implemented a Road Map to Success Employee Valuation program for the training and goal setting of employees in the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Court Services Bureau Civil Office.