* Scientific Research and Analysis * Novel Techniques Development * Lab Operations Management * Research Project Administration * Manuscripts Writing and Editing * Professional Relationship Building * Data Manipulation / Visualization * Statistical Reports Preparation * Cross-functional Coordination Accomplishments * Formulated procedures for producing novel molecules, resulted in securing the NSF grant worth $0.5M. * Designed structural and electronic features of molecular reactive species via semi-empirical and ab initio quantum chemical simulations. * Generated two DNA constructs and performed sequencing for subsequent confirmation for accelerating the rate of project completion by half a year in the lab (relative to an average of 1.5-year project lifetime). * Formulated procedures for producing novel molecules, resulted in securing the NSF grant worth $0.5M. * Designed structural and electronic features of molecular reactive species via semi-empirical and ab initio quantum chemical simulations. * Generated two DNA constructs and performed sequencing for subsequent confirmation for accelerating the rate of project completion by half a year in the lab (relative to an average of 1.5-year project lifetime).