Semi-Retired, interested in part-time employment as the ability to travel during covid is limited. would like to use my experiences and willing to learn and grow in new fields. Currently spending my winters skiing in Colorado. During my career, I've been fortunate to hold positions of VP of Government Relations and International Business Development in Washington D.C., Recruited by IMG (International Management Group) as Manager of Business and Program Development to increase revenue, program participation and Brand recognition. Following IMG, I coached ATP and WTA players. Subsequently Hired by Beijing Tennis Academy in Beijing China as Director of Professional Tennis Development, to bring world-class coaches and new Programs, which would attract players from around China and Internationally. this shift increased their revenues and player development growth. With coordination from Beijing University, I introduced modern training methods both on and off the court. I've been fortunate to travel to over twenty-five countries, including Asia, Europe, Mid-East, North, Central, and South America and Africa, as a Vice President of Government Relations and Business Development.