of Achievements and Qualifications * Geological Engineer with 12 years of geological experience in the oil&gas industry, Manager service, Wellsite Geologist experience, Workover, EOR/IOR and hydraulic fracturing (fracking). * Experience repairing mechanical-hydraulic components for the oil and mining industry. * Ability to work within multi-disciplinary engineering teams (geosciences, reservoir, workover and drilling engineers, etc). * Competency in providing technical support on all geological issues, elaboration of field reports, data and results interpretation. * Practical experience in monitoring drilling, wireline operations, and hydraulic fracture. * Aptitude to complete projects, giving professional results under pressure. * Ability to define the root cause of problems, deliver results and meet quality, cost and schedule targets. * Willing to be relocated or travel. RELEVANT EMPLOYMENT HISTORY GALVANOTECIA DEL OESTE, S.A. WWW.CROMODURO.COM.AR PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (HYDRAULIC AND CHROME PLATED PLANTS) SEP 2019 - PRESENT Accomplishes manufacturing staff results by communicating job expectations planning, monitoring, and appraising job results coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees initiating, coordinating, and enforcing systems, policies, and procedures. * Technical specialist in hydraulic mechanics, major equipment Dana-Spicer, Kessler, Normet, Iveco. Specialized technical advice. * Development of hydraulic test benches for hydraulic equipment for mining companies, oil service companies, well drilling. * Set daily/weekly/monthly objectives and communicate them to employees * Organize workflow by assigning responsibilities and preparing schedules * Oversee and coach employees * Ensure the safe use of the equipment and schedule regular maintenance * Check production output according to specifications * Submit reports on performance and progress * Identify issues in efficiency and suggest improvements * Train new employees on how to safely use machinery and follow procedures * Enforce strict safety guidelines and company standards PDVSA-PETROCABIMAS, ZULIA-VENEZUELA. WWW.INTRANET-PETROCABIMAS.COM RESERVOIR GEOLOGIST/STRUCTURAL INTERPRETER JAN 2016 - JAN 2019 * Evaluate and generate exploration prospects. * Structural Interpreter for integrated study department. * Collect and analyze data for content and quality prepare data for use within team projects. * Map subsurface data including geological and reservoir parameters in multiple applications. * Mentor less experienced technicians, geoscientists, and engineers. * Work with software vendors to provide workflow assistance development and management of workflows and training for professionals as required. * Generate development prospects in Cabimas and Tia Juana fields (heavy oil). * Updating geological models in oil fields. PDVSA-PETROCABIMAS, ZULIA-VENEZUELA. WWW.INTRANET-PETROCABIMAS.COM MAJOR ENGINEER (RESERVOIR GEOLOGIST AT SAME TIME) Feb 2014 - Jan 2016 * Evaluate and generate development prospects in Cabimas and Tia Juana fields (heavy oil). * Analyze and recommend solutions on any issues raised during drilling operations for management decisions. * Develop petrophysical and geological models to increase production. * Identify, evaluate and execute business development opportunities to Cabimas Field. * Participates in the business unit and corporate knowledge sharing tools. * Monitors Well Site drilling, coring, sample logging, and wireline operations from Cabimas and Tia Juana's Fields (heavy oil). * Provide technical support to the team by staying current with regard to new technologies, new interpretation methodologies, and other development within the geosciences, and act as a technical resource to less experienced team members. * Mentor and develop the less experienced geologist on the team. Training to junior geologists and engineers in operational activities, well log interpretations, wireline operations and interpreting data from oil wells to Cabimas and Tia Juana Field (heavy oil). * Update the geological models utilizing available workstation and PC-based software and Geographix (Discovery), Paradigm (Geolog) and Petrel Suite. * Well planning and design the oil wells constructions (Compass-Landmark). * Review of proposed drilling, rehabilitation, additional opportunities coiled tubing and stimulation from Cabimas and Tia Juana's Fields (heavy oil). * Planning and design of hydraulic fracture campaign in Cabimas Field. * Checking and design to hydraulic fracture proposal to B-6's Sandstone, Misoa Formation from Cabimas Field in PDVSA - Petrocabimas. * Working with multi-discipline teams. Geosciences and operations teams. PDVSA-PETROCABIMAS, ZULIA-VENEZUELA. WWW.INTRANET-PETROCABIMAS.COM RESERVOIR GEOLOGIST / RESERVOIR ENGINEERS. MAR 2011 - FEB 2014 * Identify new opportunities for drilling a new oil well in Cabimas and Tia Juana fields. * Management of reservoir engineering information, tracking potential recovery oil well proposals. * Make proposals for exploratory drilling, development, rehabilitation, sidetrack oil wells. * Updating geological models (structural, sedimentology and stratigraphic) oil fields, development of proposals for drilling and rehabilitation of wells (oil mature field). * Operational Monitoring Drilling MWD / LWD log interpretation in real-time.

Universidad of Zulia | Intevep, Los Teques, Venezuela | 2018 | Master Degree |
Universidad of Zulia | Petroleum Geology | 2015 | Bachelor Degree |


Job Skills
