National and International Representation for Washington DC Congressional Affairs. Sales and Marketing to GSA, DOD, FMS, World Defense Markets. I do think at least a SECRET access to all congressional buildings is Mandatory. All the late hour "Meetings" only can be attended with a Master-at-arms Secret pass. It would be VERY helpful to also possess a secret Pentagon Pas. My clearance has expired but if pushed, should be able to reinstitute in 2 months or so. University School dates are all wrong as the program will not take Earlier dates (put in oldest date possible with this program)

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Broker | 1/2002 - Present |
Florida Boating Advisory Council | Legislative Consultant Boating And Marine Issues | 12/2000 - 1/2004 |
Figgie International Inc. | Executive Consultant to the CEO - Government & Military Markets | /1983 - /1981 |
Defense Products Marketing Inc. | President/CEO/Founder | 1/1982 - 1/1992 |
Oshkosh Corporation (Was Oshkosh Truck ) | Vice President - Defense Products (at 33 years old) | /1978 - /1981 |
Us Government Office Of Disaster Assistance | Loss Verifier Field | / - 1/2017 |

University of Maryland - College Park | Marine Science - Merchant Marine | 1980 | Trade School Degree |
University of Wisconsin - Madison | Finance | 1978 | Master Degree |
University of Wisconsin - Parkside | Business | 1978 | Bachelor Degree |
Crystal Lake Community College | Science | 1978 | Associate Degree |

Executive President – CEO, VP President Government Marketing & Sales, Executive Consultant to CEO State of Florida Legislative Consultant, Real Estate Broker //\\ Consummate senior executive, change agent and entrepreneur. Acknowledged nationally for ground breaking introduction of new products to the DOD and GSA. Successfully managed cultural change in a moderate sized Corporation propelling them into a major profitable DOD and GSA supplier. Career reflects success in corporate world, Washington DC Lobbyist, Fortune 500 Executive consultant, and academia. Professional strengths: New Product Introduction Organizational Change Executive Consultancy Methodology Development Entrepreneurial Leadership Project Management Executive Federal Lobbying Proposal Management Proposal Review Revenue Enhancement Intro. Advanced Technology Matrix Management Authored extensive corporate manuals required by DOD contracts including: Purchasing and Value Analysis manuals. Presented over 40 formal presentations at DOD, GSA, and Foreign Military conferences. 13 years on the U.S. Army’s Executive Tactical Vehicle Committee. Testified at congressional hearings. Presentations to the subcommittees’ for SAC, HAC, HASC, SASC EDUCATION M.B.A. FINANCE (Summa Cum Laude) University of Wisconsin – Madison. BGS – National Business Honor Society - Lifetime MILESTONES & BENCHMARKS ENTREPRENEURSHIP/CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT • Established, managed, and staffed a successful worldwide marketing effort for Military use items • Founder and CEO of a successful Washington DC sales and Lobbying Corporation • Executive manager for DOD and GSA proposal efforts with a 10:1 success ratio • Spearheaded multiple new product introductions into the US (Army, Air Force, Marine Corps) • Landed new profitable DOD business with a sales to date of 3.5 Billion, some lasting 30 years • 43 Division Executive Consultant to CEO on all U.S. Governmental Contracts and FMS World Wide ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AGENT • Led the development of a Defense centered manufacturing, Contract Administration, and Senior Management restructure • Key principle in team that developed the organization change methodology to high volume wheeled vehicles for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. • Led the World's Largest bus producer to successfully restructure the market and field service organization to capture a major multi-year DOD and GSA contracts • Introduced new views of required Lobbying efforts to support multi-year contract funding • Built from scratch a successful contract administration and Defense Products Marketing and sales to the DOD • Originated the Company’s first successful marketing and market research approach to World Wide Tactical Vehicle sales • Directed numerous proposal efforts that had a success ratio of over 10:1 • Successfully launched and field managed four new products that have been marketed to the Aerospace and Defense Departments. • Landed two MAJOR multi-year contracts (still going strong) with a value of 3 billion dollars. Past Organizations: • American League of Lobbyists • Air Force Association • Navy League • Association of the U.S. Army • ADPA • NAPM • National Republican Center – Capital Hill club Security Clearance – None Active at this date NO problem with reactivation if pushed. • 1992 Last active – Secret Industrial • Pentagon Pass – Secret • Senate Access pass – Secret • House Access pass – Secret • US Navy (1960-1964) Top Secret – Comsec-Crypto Please call or e-mail to request any additional references or other data deemed necessary. I am available to fly world-wide to discuss jointly what I can do to assist you in your future profitable endeavors. Thank you for taking some of your valuable time in review of this Short Resume’Companies I like:
Automotive, aerospace, Defense supplier to: GSA DOD, FMS, - Lobbyist (Registered)

