High performance management consulting professional with a proven track record in providing timely client solutions involving financial management, COTS-ERP business systems and technology services for both private and public sector clients. As Vice President, Computer Data Systems, Inc. (CDSI), a public information systems/services corporation and as senior manager, Price Waterhouse & Co., directed financial management and financial systems engagements, including organizational assessments, internal control reviews, policy-procedure development, IT audit assessments and financial management systems development-implementation and systems assessments. As a corporate officer of CDSI, organized, established and directed a wide range of corporate business operations, including development, management and installation of certified proprietary financial COTS software, including implementation/integration and processing services to establish new client systems environments in 15 Federal agencies and more than 30 private organizations Also, as corporate VP collaboratively led and performed COTS/ERP financial systems configuration and implementations . Further, directed and performed a wide range of business consulting services, including IT systems requirements development, analysis, capability assessments, information standards assurance and control reviews, systems application-development, integration, installation, adaptation and management of certified COTS-financial accounting systems and client processing environments, as well as support of a variety of associated business systems. Achieved a wide range of accomplishments in business systems development and implementation, organization and business process (BPR) developments involving Federal performance-costing, accounts payable, receivables, budgeting and real property management processes Have maintained client satisfaction through timely delivery of top performance results and excellent communications skills. RECENT RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Since November 2017, I am developing system security requirements for the transfer and establishment of the Veterans Administration Agency's (VA) PEGASYS system to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to initiate shared services, initially with the performance budgeting module of the application system. From October 2011 to August, 2017, I directed and performed audit readiness assessments of DoD business systems and operations, including improvements to process-management-internal controls, and testing and evaluation of DoD business systems Reviewed and reported findings, conclusions and proposals for corrective actions needed to achieve or sustain audit readiness of designated systems with PMO staff, in compliance with FFMIA, DoD-FMR, FISCAM, FISMA OMB and Treasury requirements/regulations/guidance and business rules. From April, 2007 through September 30, 2011, I performed as a financial systems analyst at the Business Transformation Agency (BTA) of the Department of Defense (DoD). The BTA closed on September 30, 2011. As a contract-term employee I performed the following: Improving (Standardizing) Enterprise Business Processes and Systems Processes * As a member of the Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) Team at DoD's Business Transformation Agency, collaboratively analyzed existing PPB&E business processes of the Department's components and agencies. Compared the processes to required compliance requirements and best practices and developed business processes to serve as a DoD standard for future uses. Developed the Enterprise-wide Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) model, using the DODAF documentation standard and VISIO tools that includes major business processes, activities and their interrelationships, data standards, compliance requirement references and business rules. Was directly involved in develo0ping major business processes including, accounts receivable, accounts payable, real property management, environmental liabilities, budget formulation and budget execution processes. * As a DoD representative to the government-wide Financial Information Systems Interagency Office (FISIO), a government wide standards group, transferred, installed and integrated DoD's award winning budget execution business process of the BEA to the OMB and established the process as a Federal government-wide process standard in the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) model. * Proposed quality improvement changes to existing business processes and practices of the DoD components and agency-specific business processes and activities to meet BEA standards. * Collaboratively developed E2E process standards for implementation and/or improvements, through standardization, of existing and planned major ERP systems processes or acquisitions. These process standards were developed for SAP, ORACLLE and Momentum based systems environments. IT Plans for Complex Government Organizations: * As DoD representative to FISIO government-wide work group, collaboratively assessed capabilities of 15 Federal agency application systems environments, comprised of various core ERP application software, including SAP, ORACLE, Momentum, Monument, and others, as well as internal agency, regulatory agency and authoritative reference source interfaces Published Federal FSIO website of findings and comparative evaluations on agency capabilities for agencies access for acquisition evaluation * Collaboratively developed an enterprise-wide Systems Evolution Framework (SEF), a portfolio management support framework, for evaluating current, interim and planned systems capabilities involving more than 2,900 DoD business systems Framework capability compares like systems capabilities and highlights possible duplications and gaps, in support of the DoD business IRB evaluation process, including identifying existing capabilities as potential candidates for providing enterprise-wide services, as a basis for eliminating potential wasteful systems investments and aiding the IRB investment decision-making and acquisition process Coordinated data collection of IT business systems information with systems stakeholders using the DoD Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository (DITPR) Developed/proposed use of complementary system data collection processes as part of developing the SEF initiative. Service Oriented Architecture Development Experience: Developing enterprise service business strategies Experience w/ large population government IT (and business) standards and systems: * Served as a DoD representative to OMB's Budget Line of Business (LOB) Group, a Federal government-wide work group, implemented standard government-wide budget processes and evaluated capabilities of 13 Federal agency budgeting systems Established a web based reference service of budgeting systems capabilities for use by agency seeking to acquire budget systems or to join existing budget systems services. * Collaboratively developed enterprise standard business processes for financial management-accounting, budgeting, real property management, environmental liabilities and standard ERP transaction processes for B2R, P2P, H2R, and O2C and others including business process charts, business rules, a standard financial information structure and data standards, as well as compliance requirements associated with applicable Federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies (LRPs). As task lead, directed functional testing of budget formulation, budget execution, funds management, USSGL postings and financial reporting sections of the IFS ERP (SAP) implementation at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). * Reviewed and contributed proposed improvement comments to the TP&R-FM Director for updating the Financial Improvement Audit Readiness Plan, the DoD Systems Plan, DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) * Developed a proposed phased approach for consolidating base support for three military installations in Texas, in support of the WARFIGHTER Support Directorate of the BTA. * Developed and proposed a framework for Department-wide performance accountability, including identification, collection, and aggregation of Department-wide performance metrics integrated with the strategic objectives of the National Defense and National Military Strategies as well as the annual Performance Assessment Report (PAR) and associated PART assessment processes. * Developed a government framework for the electronic exchange of document data to support Federal government-wide business life cycles, including agency submissions of requests for expenditure authority, bulk presidential budget submissions, US Congressional enactments, budget allocations, OMB and Treasury tracking of fund balances, expenditures, outlays, disbursements, as well as inter/intra agency transfers and accounts payables, receivables and debt management reporting. * Reviewed and proposed improvements to more than 20% of DoD's Financial Management Regulations (FMR) statements, as well as a variety of FASAB-SFFAS change proposals. As a sub-contractor to KPMG for three years at the DoD-BTA, served as a subject matter and business process engineering consultant provided the following Assisted in the development of a standard financial information structure, with associated data elements for DoD and a government-wide standard known as CGAC. Developed a framework of proposed results metrics, including rationale, policy/procedures for data qualifications, collection, and computations and reporting as contributory results to the OSD financial statements, focusing on performance-cost based metrics associated with DoD's Statement of Net Cost and Cost of Operations. Developed standard business processes for planning, programming, budget formulation and execution, as well as standard performance-cost management and accounting processes for acquisition, real property management, environmental liabilities, military construction and logistics-supply chain management functions for incorporation into DoD's Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA). Directed/facilitated seminars of managerial costing concepts, methodologies, modeling, accounting and reporting practices, involving more than 100 key DoD client personnel involved with performance-based management initiatives. Participated in review of the Business Case Lifecycle Methodology (BCL) during development.