A very quick study with the ability to adapt and learn rapidly. Little supervision required. I am pursuing my Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology (due to graduate by June, 2008)

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 3/2007 - Present |
Vatterott College | (Confidential) | 10/2002 - 11/2006 |
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 5/2001 - Present |
U.S. Navy Reserves | (Confidential) | 12/1997 - 12/2000 |
Gibson Technical Center | (Confidential) | 7/1997 - 12/2001 |
Kolar Business Machines | (Confidential) | 5/1997 - 7/1997 |
Missouri Department of Natural Resources | (Confidential) | 11/1996 - 4/1997 |
Missouri Department of Corrections, Algoa Correctional Center | (Confidential) | 7/1996 - 11/1996 |
Missouri Department of Natural Resources | (Confidential) | 5/1996 - 7/1996 |
Crane Chronicle/Stone County Republican Newspaper | (Confidential) | 10/1995 - 3/1996 |
Tecniflex | (Confidential) | 1/1995 - 11/1995 |
U.S. Post Office | (Confidential) | 12/1994 - 1/1996 |
Cornerstone Personalized Computer Services | (Confidential) | 11/1993 - 3/1996 |
First Baptist Church | (Confidential) | 7/1993 - 6/1994 |
U.S. Navy (Active Duty) | (Confidential) | 9/1980 - 10/1993 |

University of Phoenix, Springfield, MO | Information Technology | 2008 | Bachelor Degree |
2nd Class Petty Officer Leadership Training Course, Navy Leadership Training Unit, Coronado at Navy Reserve Center, Denver, CO | Total Quality Leadership, Teamwork, Motivation, Organization, Physical Fitness, Counseling, Writing Evaluations, etc. | 1999 | Trade School Degree |
Navy Reserve Instructor School, Naval Reserve Professional Development Ctr. New Orleans, LA | Lesson Planning, Impromptu Speaking, Classroom Management, Using Teaching Tools, etc. | 1999 | Trade School Degree |
Missouri Department of Corrections, Basic Custody Training Class, Central Training Academy, Jefferson City, MO | Self Defense, Laws, Riot/Crowd Control, Apprehension, Search and Seizure, Interpersonal Communication, Cross-Gender Issues, Weapons Training, Security, Etc. | 1996 | Trade School Degree |
Tecniflex Training School, Republic, Missouri | Maintenance, Repair and Troubleshooting Microfilmers, Proofing Machines, and Microfilm Reader/Printer. | 1995 | Trade School Degree |
US Postal Service Rural Carrier Academy, U.S. Post Office, Willard, MO | Postal Regulations, Mail Processing, Safe Driving Techniques, Postage Sales, etc. | 1994 | Trade School Degree |
Enlisted Navy Recruiter Orientation / Persuasive Communications School, Navy Recruiting Command, Pensacola, FL | Counseling, Interviewing, Recruiting Techniques, Phone Sales, Organization, Administration, Persuasive Communications, Sales, Non-Verbal Communications, Positive Feedback, Etc. | 1993 | Trade School Degree |
Naval Housing Shore Patrol School, Naval Station Security Dept. San Diego, CA | Self-Defense Tactics, Crowd Control, Military and Civilian Laws, Search and Seizure, Radio Communications, Incident Reports, etc. | 1991 | Trade School Degree |
SNAP II Ship’s System Coordinator School, Service School Command, San Diego CA | Shipboard Naval Automated Data Processing System Maintenance, Operation and Programming. | 1990 | Trade School Degree |
Navy Leader Development Program, Service School Command, San Diego CA | Leadership Traits, Managing Work Centers, Administration, etc. | 1990 | Trade School Degree |
Surface Electronic Warfare Threat Recognition School, Fleet Combat Training Center, San Diego, CA | Advanced Naval Threat Assessment, Communications, Information Dissemination, etc. | 1990 | Trade School Degree |
US Military Task Force ADP Operator/Message Drafter School, Fleet Training Center, San Diego, CA | Automated Data Systems Operation, Communications Message Drafting, etc. | 1989 | Trade School Degree |
Basic Amphibious Intelligence/Enlisted Intelligence Assistant School, Fleet Intelligence Training Center, San Diego, CA | Intelligence Reconnaissance, Planning, Reporting and Disseminating. Joint Services Interoperability and Communications, etc. | 1989 | Trade School Degree |
Electronic Warfare Module Manager School, Fleet Combat Training Center, San Diego, CA | Supervising Junior Electronic Warfare Personnel, Advanced Threat Assessment, Naval Intelligence Reporting, etc. | 1989 | Trade School Degree |
Advanced Electronic Warfare "C" School, Naval Technical Training Center, Corry Station, Pensacola, FL | Advanced Systems Troubleshooting, Soldering, Advanced Electronics and Digital Theory, Naval Intelligence, etc. | 1988 | Trade School Degree |
Enlisted Navy Recruiter Orientation / Persuasive Communications School, Navy Recruiting Command, Orlando, FL | Counseling, Interviewing, Recruiting Techniques, Phone Sales, Organization, Administration, Persuasive Communications, Sales, Non-Verbal Communications, Positive Feedback | 1984 | Trade School Degree |
Electronic Warfare "A" School, Naval Technical Training Center, Corry Station, Pensacola, FL | Electronic Surveillance Systems Operation and Programming, Naval Intelligence, Advanced Soldering and Troubleshooting | 1981 | Trade School Degree |
Navy Basic Electricity and Electronics School, Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Waukegan, IL | Electronics Theory/Science, Algebraic Formulae, Component Identification and Testing, Troubleshooting, System Analysis, Applications of Electronics, etc. | 1981 | Trade School Degree |
Area Vo-Tech, Jonesboro, AR | Electronics Theory, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, Microprocessors, Laser Technology, Soldering, Circuit assembly, Test Equipment, Tools and Instruments, Computers, etc. | 1980 | Trade School Degree |


Job Skills


Have operated my own computer services business for 6 years. President of local IT organization.