SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS * U.S. Navy veteran. * Software engineering, manufacturing, process control, and healthcare support. * Northeastern University Level Education Data Analytics program graduate (November 2017, grade of 93%): R, MySQL, Orange, Excel, Google Analytics, Tableau, machine learning and predictive analytics, principal component analysis, linear regression analysis, logistic regression analysis, cross-validation. * Recent/related courses: Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel (grade of 98%), Microsoft SQL. General Chemistry I/II and Microbiology with laboratories (GPA of 4.0) Biology I (fulfilled by examination). * Excel 2016 skills: Dashboard creation, tables, pivot tables, charts, pivot charts, slicers, linear regression, custom lists, nested functions, sumifs, vlookup, index/match, trim, VBA. * Microsoft Outlook, Access, Word, Excel, Project and SharePoint Adobe Acrobat Epic EMR. DATA ANALYTICS CLASS WORK AND PROJECTS * Extraction, transformation, loading, and manipulation of big data sets in R. Cleaned data and imputated missing values as needed. Created scatter plots and histograms to check for homoscedasticity and normal distribution. Performed linear and logistic regression analyses, residual analyses. * Calculated descriptive statistics from observed data, created box plots to visualize distributions and observe outliers. Conducted hypothesis testing by calculating test statistics and p-values for comparison to significance levels inferred population point estimates and interval estimates from sample data. * Performed principal component analysis for dimension reduction in Orange. * Applied machine unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms for predictive analysis and cross-validation in Orange. * Created reports, plots, graphs, dashboards, and other visualizations in R, Excel, Tableau, and Google Analytics. * Relational database design, entity-relationship diagram creation, query composition in MySQL. ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Decreased software test procedure development time and improved code coverage by illustrating data flow as a logic gate diagram (The Foxboro Company). * Decreased vendor calibration service costs by several thousand dollars (CrossPoint Engineering). * Developed a grant management application in Access by creating reports, forms, queries and customizing code in Microsoft Visual Basic (graduate assistant at the Center for Electromagnetics Research, Northeastern University).