COVER LETTER: To Whom It May Concern, You may be wondering why a former Head of School with 19 years of experience is applying for this position. If so, please take a moment to review my qualifications. You will see that I have the required skills to transition into this new role of a "Background Investigator". I am ready for this career change and guarantee that my work will exceed your expectations. Here is how my experience and skills meet your requirements: As an administrator of a private school, my responsibility was to uphold the school's standards and processes. I often had to investigate staff, student or procedural incidents to ensure validity and equity. This would require accuracy and details. On occasion, I would have the responsibility to prepare a student file for court. I would first construct a timeline and storyboard to best present our argument. Then, rehearse my findings to display confidence in our case. In addition, hiring staff, has given me some experience in checking background, calling references and evaluating profiles. My computer skills and knowledge have aided in the presentation of concepts. My experience and tenure have groomed me for a career that demands professionalism and maturity. My personal qualities combined with my diverse experience will contribute to KeyPoint's success. My decoding and researching skills combined with my integrity and maturity are a perfect match for the position. My enclosed resume outlines my experience and skills. I look forward to taking the next steps with you. Sincerely, Reginald Stinson

Work Experience
Real Estate Appraiser | Online Advisor | 1/2018 - 9/2004 |
Curriculum Evaluator | Instructor (Secondary Level) | 1/2018 - 1/2018 |
Southside Baptist Ministries & School | Online Advisor Assistant Pastor/Head Of School/Music Director | 9/2017 - 12/2017 |
Key Point Government Solutions | Background Investigator | 1/2017 - 1/2017 |
First Market Bank | Specialist | 9/2004 - 3/2005 |
Assistant Pastor | Head Of School | 9/2004 - 9/2004 |
Staff Administrator | Nao Officer / Accreditation Team Member | 9/2004 - 9/2004 |
Music Director | It Specialist / Athletic Director/Coach | 9/2004 - 9/2004 |

