COVER LETTER: To Whom It May Concern: Daniel Willis has been responsible for managing all aspects of the three Precision Tune Auto Sincerely, J, £'s. 9f% ¢a, . Doyle B.Williams, Jr. President, Keystone Enterprises, Inc. Dba Precision Tune Auto Care Precision Tuneauto Qare Area 28 1512 Macon Drive, Suite 5 Tune Little Rock, AR 72211 (501) 221-3999 i=ax: (5o1) 221-2185 kts Care February 9, ZOI7 RE: Daniel A. J. Willis To Whom It May Concem: Gosh, where do I begin ! Daniel is one ofthe greatest employees I have worked with during my whole life! I-Ie is the kind ofguy that gets things clone, and done correctly! You know the old saying, "it`you want it done right, do it yourse!t"'* That does NOT apply to Daniel! He often times does it better than! could do! His work ethic is second to none! He is always lending an extra hand to help even when not called upon to do so! It isjust in his DNA. Selflessness is a way to say it. He would give you the shirt off his back and not think twice about it He has assisted me in ways he will never know, and even asked not to get credit for it. Knoxville is far removed from the corporate office in Little Rock, AR. He has had every chance to "slack" and not get "caught", but not Daniel! He is working t`orPrecision Tune in some capacity, 6 out of 7 days a week and l've not heard him complain one time! When you ask him about it, his answer is, "well, that's what I do and what I get paid for, right " Many times he is working before sunrise and still at itweli after sunset. Another quality that stands out is his honesty. I-le is so honest with our customers and myself, all the time! That is something that is a rare find, these days. I could go on and on about Daniel, but I will keep it short by saying Id give anything to be able to clone him time and time again. He and I get along great and I must say, I do not know what we would do with our Knoxville stores if he were to leave us. He keeps them running, and running weli all by himself, basically. l'm sure if you ask him, he would tell you that we support him, but l'd have to correct him by saying he supports us i_n so many ways. If I can be of further assistance to you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone (501) 551-0097 or email chad.trickey@gmail.C0m. All the best to you, }M_g ~ 1 _ .. -"""" _/, /" % 9 had Trickey, Administra ive Assistant Precision Tune Auto Care Area 28

