Summary Certified Scrum Master, Engineer, MBA-Finance and MS-Information with 10+ years of operational experience in areas spanning Product management, Product Evangelism, Alliances & Ecosystem Partnerships and Business Development. & APAC May 2013 - till date Led strategy development and growth of Product Conceptualization and Management - (1) Conceptualized the Ad Documentum Product and built Flow diagrams ERD and DFDs. 2) Led Agile based development while creating user stories and project charter managing end-to-end development of the product and creating data dictionaries formats for banks fund managers and insurance companies (2) led major development initiatives at architectural level to enhance correspondence builder data dictionary builder and reporting dashboard (3) Used core and flex resource to deliver product iterates and managed individual sprints and daily standups (4) Handled product integration with Amazon's AWS cloud (5) Managed functional and user acceptance testing and subsequent product improvements. Ecosystem Partnerships and Monetization - (1) Led technology business and supply partnerships and Integration with multiple partners (2) Acquired & integrated with fortune 500 clienteles: AIG BNYM Amazon Yamaha.