Accomplishments * Forge cooperative working relationships and identify / formulate strategic revenue-generating partnerships secured $4M+ middleware software sale to Lockheed in support of the ISC2 & JSF initiatives a $2.5M WebLogic Integration Order and a processing and workflows plus Implementation Services sale to Time Warner TeleCom. * Champion new organizational initiatives and employ "out of the box" thinking to beat the competition including Tibco and Vitria to secure Lockheed and Time Warner Telecom sales and secure Middleware sales at Great West Life & Health, Corporate Express, Ball Corporation, Jeppesen, Oppenheimer Funds, and McData. * Analyze client business issues, recommend IT solutions, and convert to sales opportunities won the approval of decision makers and a $1.2M ELA (Wells Fargo Bank), a $500K secure proxy software sale (Western Union), and a $350K file transfer software sale (First Data Corporation). * Identify needs and communicate value and ROI achieved strong and sustainable revenue and worked with organizations including American Express, Caremark, WAMU, Country Wide, and Verizon at Cyanea Systems / IBM. Work effectively as a team leader to assemble new information and support profit growth grew Business Intelligence and Database management product sales with Computer Associates Manufacturing Product (MK Group) from $2M to over $10M in annual revenue. Narrative

