QUALIFICATIONS International Business Development Managed business & joint technology development program with Germany's DVFLR and private aerospace entities, European Space Agency, Canadian Space Agency and Japanese Space Agency. Advisor to the Dept. of Commerce regarding language on satellite international transactions as well as Japanese Supercomputer Agreement. Contracted by the US International Trade Agency on Indonesia Supercomputer application seeking international funding. Secured and managed multi-million dollar Westinghouse equipment contracts with Saudi Arabia, Japanese, Brazil and Southeast Asian private sector and public sector entities. Acquisition and disposition of corporate departments for earnings growth. Technology Development and Assessment Lead an executive team consisting of three Westinghouse Vice Presidents and one President, audit and assess the corporate R&D portfolio resulting in three high technology development programs. Co-chaired three university-based space consortia. Session co-chair for SPIE, AIAA, and other technical conferences. Managed the compiler technology development in parallel processing software leading to the then largest software public/private partnership. Previously, evaluated various alternative power systems for energy efficiency. Member and chief technologist for AGATE, nation's largest aerospace consortium. Optimize Business Commercialization Processes through Partnerships Designed new business processes to change the product development cycle through specialized formation of research and development alliances. Adopt/adopt business protocols to link dissimilar public/private entities. Line and management responsibilities in advanced product development, management consulting, startup companies, and strategic alliance formation. Co-founder and former Managing Director of the Strategic Alliances Resources Network, LLC (STARNet, LLC), managing teams that have formed or advised research and technology partnerships in materials, aviation, and software. Best Practices Formation Designed and executed four (4) symposia consisting of senior federal and private mangers developing Best Practices for partnership formation. Identified Best Commercialization Practices of NASA partners and monitored the commercialization process outcomes. Developed metrics for understanding impact of business commercialization processes. Linking Business Practices to Regulatory/Political Environment Coordinated corporate strategy with Congressional, Administrative and Agencies activities. Crafted white papers for presentation to Congress. Working with House, drafted language for commercial space launch bill. Coordinate corporate activities with lobbyists. Presented testimony to the Presidential Committee on Space. Working Task Member of Secretary of State Advisory Committee on Space. Advised clients on the intricacies of the budgetary process and how to influence decision-makers.

