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George W

Mental Health Therapist - 20 Years of Experience - Near 29634


Mental Health Therapist


Clemson, SC

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



DUTIES: Solo Private Practice - George R. Woodruff, Ph.D. (Clinical Psychologist) practitioner in the provision of individual adult and child psychotherapy. Also provide psychological and neuropsychological assessments and marital therapy. DUTIES: Provide Associates of the Upstate, P.A. neuropsychological and psychological assessments and psychotherapy for neurologically impaired adults. Also provide individual and group psychotherapy for children and adolescents. DUTIES: Test selection, Clinical Psychology) Long Beach Veterans Administration Medical Center, Long Beach, CA Primary responsibilities included the completion of 5 rotations: Neuropsychology DUTIES: Test selection, administration, scoring, interpretation of neuropsychological tests, and written report for a neurologically impaired population referred by other disciplines within the VA (e.g. rehabilitation medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, speech pathology, psychiatry). Also provided verbal feedback of test results and recommendations to various disciplines (i.e., physicians, psychologists, rehabilitation counselors, nursing staff, therapists) as well as to patients, and referred patients for additional services, if indicated. Also provided ongoing individual therapy with an aphasic patient, and attended neuropsychology seminar on a weekly basis. Approach: Combined fixed battery/process approach. Core battery supplemented by tests pertinent to hypotheses generated by core battery results, imaging results, and/or referral question. Diagnoses/Patient Problems: CVA, Head Trauma, Seizure Disorder, Mood Disorder, Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse/dependence, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart Disease, Dementia. (20 hrs./week for 26 weeks = approximately 520 hrs.) 3 Medical-Surgical Consultation/Liaison DUTIES: Received referrals from various medical services which related to a b1 oad range of psychological and behavioral problems that interface with physical disease and disability, as well as with medical/surgical treatment. Assessment of problems required information gathering from diverse sources including review of patient medical records, direct behavioral observation, clinical interview, information from medical staff and family members, and use of psychological tests. Also responsible for communicating assessment results and recommendations to referral sources. Additionally, acted as the psychology representative on an interdisciplinary treatment team in rehabilitation medicine. (20 hrs./week for 16 weeks = approximately 320 hrs.) Inpatient Psychiatry Service DUTIES: Inpatient rotation duties are carried out on two locked and two open wards in a multi-disciplinary setting. Work closely with psychiatry, social work, vocational rehabilitation, and nursing to provide comprehensive treatment for patients with a wide variety of psychopathologies including various schizophrenic, affective, and personality disorders, as well as Polysubstance abuse/dependence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Specific duties include attending chart rounds, facilitation and/or co-facilitation of two different offward process groups (ACOA, Combat Stress), and three on-ward groups psychological assessments, and individual psychotherapy. (20 hrs./week for 16 weeks = approximately 320 hrs.) Geropsychology DUTIES: Assessment and diagnosis of older adults from four areas consisting of (1) a 180-bed skilled nursing facility, (2) a 35 bed intermediate care facility, (3) a geriatric evaluation and management unit measurable treatment goals are formulated. (20 hrs./week for 26 weeks = approximately 520 hrs.) Outpatient Psychiatry DUTIES: In outpatient psychiatry, patients are seen for initial assessment, follow-up treatment, and on a walk-in basis (e.g., from emergency room triage). Duties include initial assessment of patients (interview, mental status exam), written report/progress note, subsequent referral to appropriate service. Work closely with psychiatry, social work, and hospital support staff. Patient population varies, with majority of diagnoses being Major Depression, Schizophrenia, Alcohol/Drug intoxication/dependency. Many patients suffer concomitant medical disorders. (20 hrs./week for 16 weeks = approximately 320 hrs.) administration scoring interpretation and written report in the assessment of intellectual and personality of court referred adolescents. Assessments included recommendations for placement 4 following detention. Also assessed several court referred adults to evaluate parenting ability in custody cases. (8 hrs/wk for 25 weeks = approximately DUTIES: Included administration Evaluation Center scoring and assisting in the interpretation of several developmental and intelligence assessment instruments (Stanford Binet: FE


CollapseWork Experience


Functional Recovery Team Inc. Psychology Assistant (Master's Level) 12/1989 - 8/1991



University of Southern Mississippi Clinical Psychology AP A Approved 1995 Doctorate Degree
Western Carolina University Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Halstead Category Test 1990 Master Degree
Clemson University Clinical Psychology 1985 Bachelor Degree




