Career Research and Resources for Companies in VA
Medco/Express Scripts
• Conduct office visits/luncheons with prescriber offices to discuss the use of preferred drug list (PDL) in efforts to control cost to both the patient and the plan • Initiate outbound calls to prescriber offices to discuss the use of preferred drug list (PDL) • Integral member of a PDL clinical team which provides clinical consultation to patients on the use, dosage, side effects and therapeutic incompatibles • Prepare an...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Sur La Table
- Acted as a a "trusted authority" in a retail position. I had an extensive knowledge of all of the products. I would assist any customers that walked in the door with my expertise in knives, pots, pans, kitchenware, etc. Occasionally worked knife table and demoed the knives for customers. Participated in nightly inventory once every few months where we would count every item in the store. WOuld occasionally assist in the p...
Avg. Salary: $60,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Shenandoah’s Pride a Dean Foods Company
To oversee the warehouse/shipping department that has a though put of over 1.1 million gallons of dairy products per week. I provide leadership and direction to the warehouse and shipping areas of administration, shipping, receiving, and scheduling employees, sanitation, quality and safety. I am responsible for the expense management and control, including cooler dump, labor and overhead cost utilizing Continuous Improvemen...
Avg. Salary: $81,622 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Antioch Company
To oversee the daily operations for the entire second shift, to include Production, Lift Drivers, Distribution Area, and Maintenance Department. To ensure that all production KPI’s were being met and that distribution orders were being picked correctly and to metrics. To evaluate the staff and give adequate feedback. To handle all disciplinary actions as well as to troubleshoot all system issues. Incorporated polices and p...
Avg. Salary: $81,622 · Company Rank: Not Available
Richmond Apothecaries, Inc
Positions served include co-owner, Director of Clinical Services, Manager of Bremo Pharmacy, Program Coordinator, Bremo Diabetes Lifecare (ADA, AADE-recognized diabetes education program), Course coordinator, teacher, Virginia Institute for Pharmacy Technicians Pharmacy Technician Review Course. Reduced hours in 2010 in order pursue patient centered medical home venture at Chickahominy Family Physicians
Avg. Salary: $110,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Assisting engineers in research and development activities, inspected products and processes; conducted experiments and testing; and collected data. Advanced electronic assembly duties included wire cutting, lead trimming and tinning, board prep, hand forming components, tinning pot operation, ink stamping, aqueous cleaner operation, prep equipment set-up and operation, touch-up, THT and large pitch SMT soldering, standard ...
Avg. Salary: $79,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
Quality Control Assistant Supervisor (3M Coordinator Assistant/collateral duty) for entire General Electronics Maintenance Division at Chambers Field Military Airport. Supervising eight electronic technicians, oversaw corrective and preventive maintenance of navigational equipment and communications and security systems, including Weapons Depository serving Atlantic Fleet Region. Contributed to manuals containing instructio...
Avg. Salary: $79,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Chickahominy Family Physicians primary care practice
Duties include development, implementation, and delivery of diabetes, wellness, and medication therapy management services.
Avg. Salary: $110,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Avg. Salary: $79,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Daily Planet Healthcare for the Homeless Medical Clinic
Served as a Patient Centered Medical Home Pharmacist in a one-year practice-based research project in medication therapy management- Duties in the medical clinic included patient visits, medication therapy management services, medication reconciliation, and prescription refill services.
Avg. Salary: $110,000 · Company Rank: Not Available