Career Research and Resources for Companies in NC
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Created end user reports using Crystal Reports. These reports were selected from a list of categories and the reports for that category were displayed using HTML and ASP. The report was displayed using either ActiveX, for the Internet Explorer browser or JAVA for the Netscape browser. I developed a process by which report parameters could be passed via an HTML page.
Avg. Salary: $70,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Pavlish Enterprises, Inc.
Owner and Operator of two Blimpie Sub Shops located inside Wal-Mart Supercenters Responsibilities included: Sales Hiring and Training Food Safety Marketing Employee Scheduling Food Preparation Accounting Labor Cost Control Food Cost Control Finance Franchisee Compliance Inventory Management Forecasting Equipment Maintenance Customer Service
Avg. Salary: $70,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
ConAgra Foods
Increasing levels of responsibility: Customer Director for the Delhaize-Winn Dixie Sales Team, Charlotte, North Carolina • $50 MM in frozen sales and $150 MM in grocery sales. Nine National Account Managers, two Category Managers, and administrative staff. • Increased category authorizations and assortments -- (example: led effort to replace Kikkoman Soy Sauce with LaChoy at Food Lion; incremental $500M profit per yea...
Avg. Salary: $70,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Coaching Matters
Provide mission-critical coaching using the ChangeWorks! Professional Change Management System. Support leaders in building values-driven cultures using cultural transformation tools that map the values of individuals and groups to the Barrett Seven Levels of Consciousness Model. Provide performance coaching and sales training to sales managers and sales representatives in a new and revolutionary method of influencing ...
Avg. Salary: $100,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
I handled client issues daily, performed data analysis to develop XSLT mapping which provided data synchronization between our product and client accounting systems. I was responsible for system backups on a monthly and quarterly basis as well as acting as liaison to our development team in communicating client issues. I also worked closely with our QA team to provide quality assurance testing of the product. I’ve worked ...
Avg. Salary: $56,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Real Estate Broker
• Pursued license in 1999 to conduct transactions for personal investments • Became real estate sales broker, negotiating $21 million in residential sales by 2005 • Managing Broker for large Century 21 office • Responsible for forecasting sales, and managing P&L • Identified for excellent sales and alliance building skills to take over management for office of low morale and performance • Responsible for profitability of o...
Avg. Salary: $56,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
United Cerebral Palsy of North Carolina
Managed a staff of 7 campaign directors, produced 4 telethons, prepared annual campaign plan with budgets, managed volunteer recruitment, designed and coordinated statewide public relations campaign.
Avg. Salary: $80,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
US Marine Corps
Duties of a US Marine. Geodetic Surveying and Cartography were my military occupation.
Avg. Salary: $90,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Spicer Axle
Duties included but were not limited to overseeing 12 robotic welders and training operators in their function. I also determined and corrected the cause of defective welds.
Avg. Salary: $83,000 · Company Rank: Not Available