Career Research and Resources for Companies in GA

Prime Computer, Inc.

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - Atlanta, GA

Prime Computer, Inc. 3/87 - 3/90 Account Manager Responsible for the sale of Prime MEDUSA CAD/CAM and Product Design Graphics System application software and associated hardware in manufacturing environments. Also sold Prime Information database and 4 GL development environment. • Achieved goal each year and achieved...

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Hewlett Packard

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - Atlanta, GA

Hewlett Packard Corporation 3/81 - 3/87 Account Manager Manufacturing application product specialist responsible for marketing HP proprietary Production Management, Materials Management and Maintenance Management packages and consulting services in Fortune 2000 manufacturing accounts throughout the Southeast. • Attained 120 % of $...

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Bruel & Kjaer N.A.

Research - Technician - Norcross, GA

Calibration and Repair of Factory own Sound and Vibration meters and equipment.

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Data Path

Research - Technician - Duluth, GA

I work under contract testing mobile satellites and modules assemblies that are used to communicate and control the satellites. This includes repairs of the modules and testing of the modules as well as finding problems with the complete assembles units

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Oplink Solutions

Research - Technician - Alpharetta, GA

Work in the Repair Department and the Calibration Department. Repairing and Calibrating everything from 8566A/B, 8560 & 8590 series spectrum Analyzers to 3458A, 8506A DMM, Power Supplies to Signal Generators 8340 models. and other types.

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kay and Associates/Robins AF Base GA.

Research - Technician - Robins AF Base , GA

Repair & Calibration of RF test equipment. Agilent, Marconi, Boonton, IFR and others. HP-8902, HP- 8903; HP-8753 plus Network Analyzers, Audio Analyzers, Transmitter/Receiver Measurement Test Sets, Signal Generators, Distortion and Modulation Analyzers

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

NS Electronics

Research - Technician - Doraville, GA

Repair and calibration of AM/FM Transceiver Test Sets, and Selective Voltmeters. IFR , Cushman and Motorola. Such as the AM/FM1500, AM/FM 1100 etc and other communication test equipment.

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Electro Rent

Research - Technician - Duluth, GA

07/98 to 05/03 and also (Temporary thru Olson’s Services) 01/98 to 7/98 Repair and calibrated all types of equipment Multi-Amp, Avo, BMI, Biddle, Dranetz, Jofra plus a little RF, oscilloscopes to Temperature sources and meters also pressure, high voltage and current source and meters to low voltage and current meters and sources. Meggers Tara-ohm meters, Dead weight testers up to 10,000 PSI, flow meters thickness standa...

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

GE Industrial Systems/Now: Davis Instruments

Research - Technician - Duluth, GA

Also was alternate Q A rep/inspector for a while until system changed. Part of techs job making calibration procedures and data sheets in a approve format for all types of equipment Spectrum Analyzers, High Voltage, power monitor , Scopes, meters, voltage, resistance ,temperature, vibration, RF, pressure and current standards(source and measurement). This also include repairing and Calibration. Also done Calibration at ...

Avg. Salary: $42,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Northrop Grumman

Information Technology - Manager - Atlanta, GA

Responsible for the following: supporting the development of new business within the department and division; participating in hiring to meet contract, department, and division growth objectives; supporting capture activities and proposal development for the department and division; supporting the department manager and other section managers in the achievement of department and division goals; ● Directs all phases of prog...

Avg. Salary: $96,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available