Career Research and Resources for Companies in GA

Emory Temporary Services

Human Resources - Recruiter - Atlanta, GA

Recruited for administrative, light industrial, healthcare professionals, food service and safe industrial requisitions. Recruited, screened resumes, interviewed candidates, conducted background checks and administered oral drug tests, conducted group or individual orientations. Consulted with candidates and managers with feedback and recommendations on candidate hires. Heavily involved with HR Benefits, Employee Relatio...

Avg. Salary: $68,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Human Resources - Recruiter - Atlanta, GA

Sr. Client Services Manager 03/98 – 09/03 Onsite at Georgia-Pacific for contingent staffing of administrative and Information Technology disciplines. Screened resumes, assessed and interviewed candidates, provided feedback and recommendations to hiring managers; strong relationship builder between client and candidate/employee. Provided accurat...

Avg. Salary: $68,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

1 Rage Media

Management & Business - Vice President - Atlanta, GA

(Developer of interactive both online & mobile entertainment based social media advertising platforms. 1Rage technology empowers media company's and brands to create a new level of interactivity within the Web 2.0 and mobile experience) Developed sales channels/partnerships for this technology platform with brand and media companies, and licensed the technology on the advertising side to media companies for this one-year-...

Avg. Salary: $200,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Servicing Cox Communications, Dish Network, iMedia International and Pulse Entertainment

Management & Business - Vice President - Atlanta, GA

Leveraged vast knowledge of and contacts within the interactive media space to launch a consulting practice focused on developing forward-looking strategies for expanding clients’ product and/or service offerings in emerging areas such as interactive advertising and mobile marketing. Major clients included Cox Communications, Dish Network, iMedia International and Pulse Entertainment. Result: Created the necessary partne...

Avg. Salary: $200,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mark Coggins

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Atlanta, GA

Assist client to rehabilitate after post op orthopedic surgery. Provide a high level of care based on the clients individual treatment plan

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Atlanta , GA

Perform outpatient detox.Insurance billing. Chart reviews. Medication administration. Research on new medications and protocols. Nursing assessments. Biopsychosocials.Assist addictionologists/psychiatrics. Addiction counseling.Establish IUV acess for medication protocols. Precertifications.

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kennestone Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Marietta , GA

Determined and provided level of care based on acuity.Developed and implemented triage protocols for emergent pediatric patients. HazMat training. Pediatric Floor. Floated to Nicu. Assisted teaching newborn classess. Provided community education through participation in a Baby Fair.Able to perform ivs,phlebotomy, nebilzations, asisst with intubations,and rape kits. catherizations, most if not all tubes and lines

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Emory Clinic

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Atlanta , GA

DEveloped and implemented phone triage protocols for a large and rapidly growing practice.Assisted and supervised back office personnell

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

DRs papciak, Smith and Gallups

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Alpharetta, GA

Supervised nursing assistants.performed procedures, immunizations.Assisted an established physician to develop a new practice

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Promina Towne Lake

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Woodstock , GA

Prepared for federal and state inspections. medication and immunization administation. Emegency nebulization and establishing IV acess. Ordered and stocked supplies. Supervised back office personnel.

Avg. Salary: $44,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available