Career Research and Resources for Companies in CO


Accounting & Finance - Financial Manager, Branch or Department - Loveland, CO

Brought on board as the financial partner to the executive leadership team responsible for leading and performing preparation of budgets and financial forecasts, long-term strategic financial planning processes, and comprehensive modeling and business analysis to identify risks and opportunities; Recognized by the entire organization for the integration of financial thinking into daily operations; Took leadership role and...

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US HealthWorks

Construction & Extraction - Construction Trade Worker Manager - Valencia, CO

Managed design and construction of new and remodel of existing medical clinics. Supervised all maintenance of 145 existing clinics nationwide  Managed construction of new medical clinics in Washington, California, Texas, New Jersey and Florida  Supervised selection of bidding contractors, issued bid instructions/plans, selected winning contractor and issued contract documents  Processed all request for informati...

Avg. Salary: $95,000   ·    Company Rank: 1.0 out of 5


Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Centennial, CO

Optimize/market own website prosepcting for potential clients. Sole point of contact with clients.

Avg. Salary: $51,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Winston Associates

Engineering & Architecture - Landscape Architect - Boulder, CO

Planned and designed urban, commercial, residential, and resort developments to create comprehensive development plans that increase property value while sustaining environmental integrity. Managed all phases of the land use review process, facilitating negotiations among the public, private clients, municipalities, regulatory agencies, open space departments, and land trusts. Led negotiations with government agencies and...

Avg. Salary: $95,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

SLP Architect

Engineering & Architecture - Landscape Architect - Denver, CO

Landscape Architect - preparation of detailed landscape design drawings

Avg. Salary: $95,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

THK Inc,

Engineering & Architecture - Landscape Architect - Denver, CO

preparation of site plan, landscape plans and planning document

Avg. Salary: $95,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Platte Valley Medical Center

Healthcare & Medical - Mental Health Therapist - Brighton, CO

Administered and finalized comprehensive psychosocial, psychiatric, and substance-abuse assessments. Formulated and developed care plans to assist physicians. Facilitate dischare process; finalize referrals to home health care agencies, skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation centers, and long-term acute care centers. Champion education and emotional suport to effectively implement individualized plan of care. Delive...

Avg. Salary: $55,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Longmont United Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Mental Health Therapist - Longmont, CO

Provided comprehensive psychosocial, psychiatric, and substance-abuse assessments. Assessed patient needs and treatment plans. Provided referrals. Championed discharge planning processes. Trained and mentored nursing staff to identify high risk scenarious for infant and youth.

Avg. Salary: $55,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Adams County Department of Social Services

Healthcare & Medical - Mental Health Therapist - Thornton, CO

Successfully managed a case load of up to 30 families with dependent children. Testified at court hearings. Devised care plans to maintain children in their family.

Avg. Salary: $55,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Boulder County Department of Social Services

Healthcare & Medical - Mental Health Therapist - Boulder, CO

Successfully managed a caseload of up to 15 families with dependent and neglected or delinquent adolescents. Partipated in special eduation reviews, treatment team reviews, delinquency hearings, and civil hearings for dependent and neglected adolescents as a Boulder County DSS representative.

Avg. Salary: $55,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available