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Transportation & Logistics Career Research

Continental Airlines

Transportation & Logistics - Airline Staff - Houston, TX

Managed largest domestic operation at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. An 800+ a day daily operation that included international Long hauls throughout Japan, Europe, Central and South America. Positions held throughout my tenure: Customer Service Representative, Supervisor Baggage Services, Supervisor Planning Center, Passneger Service Manager, Operations Coordinator/FIDS operator, Ramp Controller and Deicing Coor...

Avg. Salary: $76,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Birraporetti's Restaurant

Transportation & Logistics - Airline Staff - Houston, TX

Ran Evening Operation, inclusive of Banquets, Special events and private parties. Managed staff of 50, assisted with recruitment, interviews and hiring process. Worked with HR on all employee issues. Increased productivity, decreased need for overtime and increased revenue.

Avg. Salary: $76,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Continental Airlines

Transportation & Logistics - Airline Staff - Cleveland , OH

Held following positions: Supervisor Baggage Service, Gate Supervisor, Passenger Service Manager, Administrative Asst. Director, Asst. director Ticket Counter and Baggage operations. Corporate Training, recruiting hiring. HR partner, Control Center Operations

Avg. Salary: $76,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5


Transportation & Logistics - Industrial Truck Operator - Dekalb, IL

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

153 Air Wing Wyoming Air National Guard

Transportation & Logistics - Airfield Operations Specialist - Cheyenne, WY

Entry control and escort procedures, operates, monitors voice, data, mission monitoring (GDSS2), flight following for (ITV) Daily Situation Reports Receives and Relays Command and Control (C2) collects, instructs, records, processes, then submits manual and automated data products. Maintains and provides communication security(COMSEC) to include receiving, safe guarding utilizing, inventory, and destroying communications se...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Air Cargo Forward Operating Base Bagram

Transportation & Logistics - Airfield Operations Specialist - Bagram , Outside United States

Manage the logistic process and implementations of daily operations for the DOD Theater Express/AMD and Medical logistic contracts with USTRANSCOM and LOGCAP V movements. Plan and Coordinate logistic movements of equipment and supplies for DOD and contract customers on a global basis. Complete situational reports for the purpose of maintaining informational updates to higher management concerning the ongoing status of opera...

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Dealer Tire

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Kansas City, MO

Supervise day to day operations. Monitor work load and maintain no overtime status. Help warehouse associates to complete daily activities. Process all billable invoices to corporate offices. Process daily payroll. Monitor and maintain 6S projects. Responsible for safety committee and overall safety of the warehouse. Monitor and maintain OSHA log at the warehouse.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Wagner Industries

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Kansas City, MO

Responsible for 24/7 operations of a 240,000 square foot warehouse, including staff supervision, purchasing, inventory, budgeting, accounts payable/receivable, customer service, building/warehouse maintenance, dispatch drivers for local deliveries.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Essex Electric

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Kansas City, MO

Managed and directed 25 salaried and hourly personnel associated with the distribution of product, coordinated all inbound and outbound shipping, managed facility operating budget, and managed human resources and the new hire selection process in a 157,000 square foot warehouse.

Avg. Salary: $47,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Burlington International Airport

Transportation & Logistics - Airfield Operations Specialist - Burlington, VT

perform airfield inspections, train airport employees in airport security and driving procedures. Operate computer programs to produce employee identifications, vehicle permits and safety viloations. direct and control airfield maintenance projects and keep daily records of inspections, maintenace projects and emergencies.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available