Epidemiologist Career Research and Resources
WRS Infrastructure and Environment, Inc.
Safety and risk management, auditing, training, technical consults, mandated record keeping, and accident investigation
Avg. Salary: $78,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
ACCI, Inc. (ACE Constructors Inc.)
Corporate Oversight of Safety and Industrial Hygiene program
Avg. Salary: $78,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
New York University School of Medicine
• Assist Faculty submitting complex grants to NIH by writing administrative components of research proposals and developing budget plans. Provide additional assistance with interpretation of funding opportunity announcements and assessment of application package to assure that application meets all required sponsor guidelines. • Collaborate with Senior Leadership on developing additional programs focused on creating and ex...
Avg. Salary: $105,000 · Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
• Assisted with mentoring process for junior research faculty in the areas of: identifying grant funding, proposal writing and submission, regulatory requirements for conducting human subject research, and pre- and post-award project management. Assisted with submission of over 40 federal, local government and foundation sponsored projects totaling over $10M. • Created four new positions within division to provide general ...
Avg. Salary: $105,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Mt. Sinai Medical Center
• Coordinated all logistics for hosting two training meetings in Miami where over 100 medical doctors and their research coordinators flew from across the United States to receive instruction on the study protocol. Key contact person within coordinating center responsible for maintaining cohesion between Clinical Sites, Central Pharmacy, Data Coordinating Center, external vendors and NIH sponsors. Maintained study budget (...
Avg. Salary: $105,000 · Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5
• Generated SAS programs to create datasets from patient level hospital and health insurance inpatient and outpatient claims. Prepared analytical reports within specific disease and therapeutic areas to assess claims based utilization patterns and patient demographics for pharmaceutical clients. Managed and coordinated multiple projects investigating the following disease areas: depression, anxiety, diabetes, eczema, and in...
Avg. Salary: $105,000 · Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5
Health Insurance Plan (HIP)
• Designed outcomes research studies to evaluate the impact of several programs aiming to improve the plan’s scores in HEDIS, Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR), Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS). Prepared reports and presented key findings to Senior Management to assess overall effectiveness and cost benefit. Coordinated data abstraction and developed reporting structure for internal ...
Avg. Salary: $105,000 · Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5
Encourage an internal and external collaborative working environment including the training of General Surgery residents through the Patient Training Safety Center (Simulation). Responsibilities included development and implementation of curriculum for the assessment and management of trauma patients, Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Coordinator. Develop a mixed population class model to provide an integrated environment...
Avg. Salary: $97,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Collaborated on the infrastructure and reporting systems within the Medical Center to improve the care of the trauma patient. Led a multi-department, robust research initiative for General Surgery, Orthopedics’, Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, and other scientists with concentrations in both adult and pediatric areas. Enabled and led a learning environment for 7 post graduate staff members.
Avg. Salary: $97,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Served as direct report to Chief of Emergency Medical Services and was charged with data system development oversight, scarce resource allocation, and all clinical reporting. Directed activities of two specialists and outside contractors.
Avg. Salary: $97,000 · Company Rank: Not Available