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Military & Government Career Research

AlliedBarton Security Services

Military & Government - Law Enforcement - Columbia, SC

I managed between 1-32 client accounts and over 100 security personnel. Analyzed performance based on key point indicators such as GP, DL, NBOT & mark up. Developed training initiatives to improve delivery of service and monitored our security program which involved patrol, cameras, alarm monitors (heat & cooling) and client protection.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Law Enforcement - Alexandria, VA

Training Soldiers and leading complex counter-terrorism investigations in Iraq to thwart IED attacks on US & Allied Forces. Produced bomb maker profiles and turned intelligence information in to actionable information for US Forces in Afghanistan. Recruited and conducted background investigations on new contractors.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Town of Duck

Military & Government - Law Enforcement - Duck, NC

Created first police department of nine personnel. Responsible for all hiring, firing, equipment research and procurement, budgeting, evaluating and creating community trust and crime reduction initiatives.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

City of Columbia Police Department

Military & Government - Law Enforcement - Columbia, SC

I served as the Commander of Criminal Investigations, Patrol Operations and Training. Responsible for budget, personnel and operational over site.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

ManTech Intl. Corp

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

Tasked with vetting incoming tips sent by the public to the Federal Bureau of Investigation website or 1-800 hotline for legitimacy and a modicum of credibility. Utilizes open-source (e.g. Lexis-Nexis, Dun & Bradstreet), Federal law-enforcement, and/or classified Intelligence Community databases/indices to conduct preliminary research. This information is then compiled into a draft intelligence report that is forwarded to...

Avg. Salary: $76,800   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

U.S. Army

Military & Government - Army - Fort. Bliss, TX

Don't get hit. Neutralize the insurgents.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Signature Science

Military & Government - Federal Government - Austin, TX

Lead designer for all collection and release systems used in leading edge science of detecting airborne compounds of interest.

Avg. Salary: $148,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Federal Government

Military & Government - Federal Government - Santa Barbara, CA

Avg. Salary: $35,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Applied Research Associates

Military & Government - Army - Arlington, VA

Project Lead/Senior Analyst for a four person team providing project, analytical and technical support two-years running to the of Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Intelligence (OUSD-I) and Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) Army Intelligence leading the Continuous Evaluation Concept Demonstration (CECD) developmental team for automating the Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Security Program (PSP) background investiga...

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Computer Sciences Corporation

Military & Government - Army - Springfield, VA

Strategic Analyst/Project Lead on-site at the Pentagon eight and a half years supporting Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) with objective advice through analytical assessments in business strategy, manpower planning, policy analysis and management controls. Responsibilities included managing the $300M Army Automated Installation Entry Program (AIE), Compiled funding requirements and submitted to HQDA leadership, ...

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available