Military & Government Career Research

US Army

Military & Government - Army - fort worth, TX

was in charge of a platoon keeping them squared away also took care of a fleet of 40 vehicle keeping them 100% operational ready

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Folse oil field service

Military & Government - Army - fort worth, TX

Handled all DOT safety put together the companies safety program

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of Defense, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment)

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington, DC

Monitor and provide analytical evaluation of the U.S. Army facilities investment programs within the Department of Defense planning, programming, budgeting and execution process.

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Reserve Affairs (Materiel & Facilities)

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington, DC

Responsible for review, analysis and development of policies and directives for Reserve Component Real Property Maintenance and Joint Service Facilities programs.

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Guard Bureau Installations Division

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington, VA

Keep the Division abreast of changes, requirements and initiatives which pertain to the Army Installation and National Guard Military Construction program. Coordinate with Department of Defense, Army Secretariat, National Guard Bureau and the 54 States and Territories to assure future Installation and Facility requirements are identified and addressed. Oversee the Division training requirements to ensure training standards...

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs-Camp Navajo

Military & Government - Federal Government - Bellemont, AZ

Supervised, mentored and trained top-notch, multidisciplinary military and civilian workforce who managed facilities, provided support services such as security, fire prevention/protection, natural resource management. Coordinated Responsible for the readiness and welfare of all assigned Soldiers and units. Providing the installations support services as well as management and operations of all training ranges and train...

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of the Army

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

Army National Guard advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army Installations and Housing. Responsible for military construction, real estate actions (acquisitions, exchanges, and disposals), base realignment and closures, installation utilization, and unit relocations. Review Congressional laws, Department of Defense and Army regulations and directives for National Guard applicability. Coordinate actions with a...

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Guard Bureau Installations Division

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington , VA

Responsible for the execution of the Military Construction Army National Guard program for the 54 States, Territories and the District of Columbia.

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Guard Bureau Installations Division

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington , VA

Review Military Construction projects, design contracts, plans, specifications, bidding documents, cost estimates, construction contracts, federal funding contributions, change orders and final completion reports. Negotiates and supervises execution of agreements with the states to construct and maintain facilities for the Army National Guard. Oversee development of construction design documents for the Army National Guar...

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Guard Bureau Installations Division

Military & Government - Federal Government - Arlington, VA

Serve as the Real Property Master Planning Coordinator for the Army National Guard. Implemented the program as outlined in Army Regulation 210-20 and National Guard Regulation 415-5. Coordinate with civilian contractors, Department of the Army and the 54 States, Territories and the District of Columbia in support of Real Property Master Planning. Ensure Real Property Development Plans comply with established policy by us...

Avg. Salary: $165,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available