Military & Government Career Research

Deco Security Services

Military & Government - Federal Government - Springfield , VA

• Provided construction security surveillance pursuant to DCID 6/9 for the Department of State, utilizing technician surveillance countermeasures and knowledge of industrial and government security. • Monitored local hires employed by the construction site to deter the planting of any unwanted clandestine devices, i.e., listening devices and/or destructive weapons. • Analyzed designs and blueprints and recognized intend...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Federal Government - Falls Church, VA

• Detected anomalies in construction procedures with potential to jeopardize integrity of the complex. • Frequently conducted container security, seaport security, and transportation security of site materials. • Provided security on Department of State contract for the construction of the New Embassy Compound in Beijing, China. • Conducted security inspections to ensure proper safeguarding of classified materials and do...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United States Marine Corps

Military & Government - Federal Government - Lejeune, NC

• Analyzed security vulnerabilities, estimated costs and presented proposals of improvements to mitigate or eliminate vulnerabilities and other deficiencies. • Established Standard Operating procedures for handling, storing, safekeeping, and destroying classified documents. • Provided security services to selected Department of State Foreign service posts to prevent the compromise of classified material and equipment, and...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

United States Marine Corps

Military & Government - Federal Government - Albany, GA

• Perform duties as Government Credit Card Coordinator acting as the liaison between Bank of America and Marine Corps Base Albany, GA. • As Agency Program Coordinator monitor over 1100 accounts. • Simplify methods of accomplishing daily tasks for travel staff. • Instruct travel staff on the use of new protocols and systems. • Suggest methods of production and processing which increase employee productivity and moral...

Avg. Salary: $80,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Military & Government - Federal Government - Reston, VA

Oversight of the Personnel Security Program, to include SCI Indoctrinations & Debriefs, badging, and new hire orientation. Alternate Contract Monitors for all DD254's within my facility. Annual Security Awarness briefings for over 1300 staff members.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5


Military & Government - Federal Government - Fort Belvoir, VA

Hired to serve as a Security Specialist in support of the Customer Service Center Special Security Representative(SSR). Hired to handle Personnel Security functions of the SSR Team of 3 Personnel. My daily duties were In-Processing of all new hire Government, Military and contractor personnel. Submission of initial Sentivie Compartmented Information(SCI)requests and coordination with the Army Central Clearance Facility...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5


Military & Government - Federal Government - Chantilly, VA

Oversight of the DOD Programs in Virgina, California and Colorado. Management of 2 personell while maintaining oversight of 1800 SAIC staff members. Preparation and review of personnel files and documentation in preparation for the DSS Inspection.

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Naval Surface Warfare Center

Military & Government - Civil Service - Port Hueneme, CA

Provide design support, install, overehaul, troubleshoot, and maintain configuration management for the Naval Interior Communication Systems.

Avg. Salary: $84,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Preferred Systems Solutions

Military & Government - Navy - Lexington Park, MD

Supported PEO (U&W) Advanced Technology on the Affordable Weapon System project. Monitored and assessed contractor actions toward meeting Contract Requirements and DoD 5000.1 Milestones. Developed and implemented Project based Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Assessment Plans, Action Item tracking tools and Feedback Reports.

Avg. Salary: $96,400   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Imagine One Technology and Management Inc.

Military & Government - Navy - Arlington, VA

Developed, implemented and maintained a LEAN SIX SIGMA based Management Operating System (MOS) for PEO CARRIERS PMS312E, In Service Aircraft Carriers. MOS was comprised of detailed WBSs capturing all PMS312E responsibilities, projects and individual efforts, accurate resource load, weekly reporting tools in Microsoft Excel format, Gauge Metrics reports including Predictive Metrics and Continuous Assessment Plans. Continuo...

Avg. Salary: $96,400   ·    Company Rank: Not Available