Application Support Career Research and Resources
Strategic Urban Development Alliance (SUDA).
Worked with SUDA management to overhaul of the company web site.
Avg. Salary: $50 · Company Rank: Not Available
Charles Schwab Inc
Worked with team of statisticians to develop a series of white papers describing the statistical models used in direct marketing campaigns. Documentation provided a high level perspective for an audience of marketing and business executives.
Avg. Salary: $50 · Company Rank: Not Available
BroadTel Communications & Ish.
Worked with team of technical writers, architects, engineers and SMEs to fulfill a company mandate that technical support documentation be published in both English and German.
Avg. Salary: $50 · Company Rank: Not Available
Charles Schwab Inc
Worked with a range of business and technical professionals and contributed to the successful completion of a number of important initiatives during my tenure with the company.
Avg. Salary: $50 · Company Rank: Not Available
Support, Validation, Analysis, Training of GIS software and related industry applications such as Public Works, Transporatation Routing, and Parcel Management.
Avg. Salary: $70,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Braxton Technologies, LLC
I was hired lead the conduct an evaluation of a training framework for applicability and functional capability to support the new GPS program. The evaluation included a detailed review of all training requirements, the training framework application requirements, and analyzing the product against the requirements. The analysis was completed and a proposal was developed and submitted that indicated our company could provide ...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Computer Sciences Corporation
Hired as a systems engineering technical analyst to provide evaluation and analysis of operations, system sustainment, system acquisition, system maintenance, and system security concepts, requirements, and interfaces. Provided a bridge between the development and operations functions which allowed each side to better understand the requirements of the other. Led a 6 to 10 member team in the development of plans for transit...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Computer Sciences Corporation
Quickly determined customer requirements and defined expectations for the team.
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Computer Sciences Corporation
Developed and delivered system technical documentation, test plans, and test procedures.
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Computer Sciences Corporation
Designed, architected, and documented the system architecture.
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available