Health and Wellness consultant Career Research and Resources

Abbott Laboratories

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - North Chicago, IL

The Medical Safety Analyst position is 100% computer based with the collection, interpretation, and processing of post marketing adverse events in serious, non-serious, domestic, and foreign cases. This was done utilizing the FDA 3500 adverse event form for submission to the FDA and other global regulatory agencies ensuring compliance with CFR 314.80 ICH guidelines. Became more proficient in applicable computer programs and...

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Chicago, IL

I assessed and prioritized patient calls for seven attending internal medicine physicians and sixteen residents according to acuity level, directing patient care to either the emergency room, urgent appointment or home treatment. Performed comprehensive assessments of the chief complaint and patient's needs utilizing the nursing process. Consistently able to interpret lab/test results to the patient following triage proto...

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Stat Resources Nursing Agency

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Chicago, IL

Worked in an orthopedic practice- reviewed all physical therapy and home health care notes, scheduled knee and hip replacements and arthroscopies and facilitated surgeon's clinics averaging over sixty patients a week and twenty-four surgeries a month. Worked in Dermatology practice- Phone triage, organized department, and trained new nursing staff, Assisted in outpatient procedures.

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Advocate Health Care

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Chicago, IL

Acted as charge nurse of a team including two family practice physicians, and four specialty area physicians. I worked two different AHC clinics as triage nurse until another triage nurse was hired. I acted as preceptor of two new triage nurses in my tenure at AHC. Accepted the responsibility for the preparation and performance of bi-annual mock codes within the department. Transitioned between staff nurse to team leader en...

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Saint Joseph Hospital

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Chicago, IL

Provided all direct nursing care related to medication administration, wound care and documentation specific to strict Medicare guidelines. Coordinated patient care with case management support and discharge planning on a Skilled Nursing Unit.

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 4.0 out of 5

Ohio Attorney General

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Columbus, OH

Investigated allegations of criminal patient abuse and neglect of health care professionals throughout all eighty-eight counties of Ohio. Collaborated with several Assistant Attorney's General, county prosecutors, Ohio Nursing Board officials, Ohio Department of Health, and other state agencies, building my criminal cases for presentation to the county prosecutor's office. Collected, preserved, and submitted evidence in pa...

Avg. Salary: $72,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Drexel University School of Public Health

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Philadelphia, PA

Initiate & manage all aspects of business, finance & sponsored program administration including oversight of grant-writing functions for Program for LGBT Health (est. Aug, 2009), and LGBT curriculum development, in-class/online teaching, outreach, and coordination of community based participatory research/advocacy & other research projects with program faculty and partnering researchers/organizations in support and fulfillm...

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Philadelphia, PA

Manage all aspects of business, financial and sponsored program administration of two clinical research divisions: Mood & Anxiety Disorders and Behavioral Oncology. Provide expertise in federal and nonfederal grant applications and industry contracts for Department Chairman, Divisional Directors and their research teams.

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Philadelphia, PA

Primary responsibility for securing sponsored research funding: perform all administrative tasks associated with proposal preparation, develop project budgets, oversee IRB submissions, prepare materials for publication and presentation, serve as School's liaison with University Office of Research Services

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

US Environmental Protection Agency

Health & Wellness - Health and Wellness consultant - Philadelphia, PA

Research, document preparation, preliminary issue analysis, organization of case files, review legal documents and evidence under supervision of attorneys in the area of, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA/Superfund) and TSCA, Toxic Substances Control Act.

Avg. Salary: $53,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available