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Customer service, Medical, Research, Part time, Retail, Veteran
My name is Carmen Espinaco, and it is a pleasure to express my interest to apply for PHLEBOTOMIST position in your company.
I am Nationally Registered Certified Phlebotomy Technician and recently I graduated as Medical Assistant in Fortis College.
I had been working in the laboratory of Naples Community Hospital for more than two years as Phlebotomist, developing great venipunture skills. Besid...
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phlebotomy, venipuncture, medical assistant, draw blood, certified, speciment collector
To manage the day to day operations of a health care service, centre or project.
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health clinic, health director, health promoter, health researcher, aboriginal health, project leader
Finance and operations strategist in global multi-million dollar manufacturing enterprise, drafting and executing initiatives for exceptional team performance, profits, and savings.
• Demonstrate expertise in business development, operations direction, system development, process improvement, project management, account management, sales and marketing, and budget...
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Corporate Leadership, Strategic Planning, World-Class Operations, Continuous Improvement, Lean Manufacturing, Problem Solving
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Clinical Research Coordinator, Clinical Research Nurse, Clinical Research Manager, Telephonic Coordinator
To hold an integral role within an organization that is known for product and service excellence.
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Sales Management, Market research, Branding , Competitive analysis, Product Development, training
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biotechnology, plant molecular biology, plant biotechnology