Ideal Companies: Sequetor, Sequetor
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Billing, Support, System Support, Automation, Business Requirements, Cabling, Consulting, Control Data, Information Technology, Leadership
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Food Service, Retail, Packaging, DMS, Dms (Data Mgmt Tool), Forecast, Inventory
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Surgical, Wound Care, ACLS, Amazon Elastic MapReduce, Automobile Claim Law Specialist, BLS, CERNER, Critical Care - Neurology, Diagnostics, Emergency Room
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Structured Query Language, Database, Database Administration, Help Desk, Management, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Windows NT, Networking, Operating Systems
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Cadence, Document Review, Financial, Financial Industry, Fraud, Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act, Litigation, Medical, Medical Devices, Transportation
Currently enrolled in an MBA Degree program at Strayer University, in Project Management y to complete my Master's Degree in the program. Previously Self Employed in the Real-estate Business, for many years. general Skills
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Advertising, Buying, English Language, Internet, Management, Mba, Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Project Management
Skills Experience ANNA M. JESSE Sacramento, CA 95834 | (H) 7072282778 | I am a professional career minded individual looking to secure a position and growth with your company. i would like to utilize my skills, experience and knowledge while helping your company to increase profits and viability within your industry. You will be pleasantly surprised with the productiveness I will bring to your organiza...
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Documentation, Data Entry, Financial, Financial Statements, Management, Microsoft, Microsoft Outlook, Outsourcing, Payroll, Quality