Pacific has an intranet based Customer Management application which has the following objectives Client asked me to update the portal with some site reorganization and with some retraining for company employees who were responsible for editing content and approving roles. The site is written in ASP.NET using Visual Basic.NET as the scripting language and SQL 2000 Server as the backend database server. This was a site I had previously built but the company had been reorganized under a different LLC and there had been personnel changes. -Provide a system that enables standard sales process for identifying Developing and tracking revenue/profit growth opportunities -Create a 360 degree view of customer accounts -Provide sales reps with easy-use-tools for managing their sales accounts contacts and projects -Provide sales management/executives a summary view of selling activities with strategic customer -Improve overall communications between Sales Customer Service Marketing Manufacturing R&D and other functional units. The application was an already established application but I was hired to update some of the reporting aspects of the program and to add some additional functionality to the program. I was asked to revise a report written in Datadynamics Active Reports for .net and using sql 2000 as the back end database. In addition to the report I was asked to extend functionality in the Contact specific section of the application and also in the creation and editing of tasks based on specific initiatives. The application is written in Asp.NET and primarily developed using as the scripting language in MS Visual Studio.NET I was asked to write the code for the new sections and to also write the new stored procedures which were used in that functionality.

