PROFILE: Entrepreneurial, Results Oriented Financial Executive with real world domestic and international business experience seeks a position with Responsibility, Challenge and Growth. DELIVERABLES: Experience with the expertise to assist with the growth of your business by introducing strategies to increase revenues, reduce costs, eliminate redundancies, increasing cash flow and adding value. Here are some examples: * Member of a 3 person turn around team that brought a public company back from the brink. Sales increased from $70 million to in excess of $180 million is 3 years. Stock price went from a low of $1.85 per share to over $49.00 per share after a 2 for 1 split. * Guided a small, private company to the public space. Secured the underwriting, set the valuation, raised investor capital and, working with our management team, transitioned to a fully reporting bulletin board company. * Repatriated from Colombia, South America spent the last 18 months putting together a consortium consisting of public and private investors to build an oil storage and pipeline facility adjacent to the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. * Managed several software system implementations to include authoring of the system specification, selecting the software and spearheading the implementation thereby achieving a smooth transition. System implementations included Great Plains Dynamics (Crystal Reports and FRM report writers), QuickBooks and AccPac amongst others. * Produced meaningful financial information that is both timely and accurate in clear and concise formats that lend themselves to the analysis of past actions, the recording of transactional current events and the projection of future trends thus maintaining relevancy in the financial marketplace.

