Summary: * About 5 years of working experience in all phases of software application design, development and developing client side application using UI/WEB 2.0 Technologies and Web Services using backend technologies. * Skilled in building responsive Single Page Applications using Angular.js framework utilizing MV* architecture and Google Material Design library. * Designed application using built-in and custom Components, Directives, Controllers and Services. * Experience in testing Angular controllers, Components, Directives and services using Jasmine.js * Extensive experience with Agile/Scrum Methodologies along with Automation Tools Karma, Protractor. * Hands on experience in writing jQuery code and familiar with jQuery libraries. * Experience in making Responsive Web Pages using CSS3 Media Queries, Foundation and Twitter Bootstrap. * Experienced in using task runner like Gulp and Grunt with Node Package Manager (NPM). * Good knowledge in Service Oriented Technologies such as Web Services, REST, SOAP and WSDL, also working with RESTFUL web Services using POSTMAN and its implementation. * Experience in Very good understanding of Object Oriented Design (OOD), Design Patterns. * Experience in design and development of Web Applications involving J2EE technologies with Java, Servlet, Spring MVC, Struts, EJB, XML, X-Path, JNDI and JDBC. * Good experience developing software using GIT and Source Tree. Summary of Technical Skills: Framework: AngularJs, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, EJBs

