Technically competent self-directed professional backed by 14+ years of supervisory experience. Able to monitor workflows and perform quality reviews to ensure the achievement of department goals. Assures the quality of documentation in patient medical records to enhance quality of care and to deliver accurate data reporting for appropriate reimbursement. Leads by example and sets high standards for performance. Recipient of several academic awards and Dean's List and Honor Roll recognitions. Attention to detail necessary to retrieve and organize data. Trouble shoot issues to addresses end user questions. * * * MILITARY AWARDS * * * Humanity Service Medal * Good Conduct Medal * Over Seas Service Medal (2) * Sea Service Medals (4) Reserved Forces Medal (2) * Air Force Good Conduct Medal (2) * Expert Marksmen Medal (1) KEY QUALIFICATIONS Health Information Management (HIM) * Medical Coding * ICD-9-CM * ICD-10-CM * CPT-4 * HCPCS Medical Terminology * Medical Billing * Medical Coding Electronic Health Records * EMR / EHR * Medical Records Management Office Management * Medical Office Procedures Insurance Verification * Master Patient Index * Release of Information (ROI) Tracking / Data Analysis Anatomy & Physiology * HIPAA Compliance * Imaging Record Technology * Quality Assurance Charting * Filing * Reimbursements * Data Quality * Scanning * Interpersonal Professional Communications QUALIFICATIONS * Engaged with the following operating systems Windows NT 4.0, Server 2003, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro, and Windows Visa Windows. Worked with Windows Active Directory, SQL, MySQL, AutoCAD 12, NetViz, Oracle 8, and Crystal Reports. * Programed in the following languages: Basic, Assembly, C, C++, Visual C, HTML, DHTML-CSS, DNS, DHCP, IIS, VMware Enterprise, ASP, .Net, AutoCAD 12, NetViz, Windows Office Suite, and Network set ups and more. With no less than 2 to 15 years in working in either of these.

