COVER LETTER: Dear Sir/madam, I have being employed with Power Generation of Trinidad and Tobago / Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission for over Twenty five years. I am considered to be extremely knowledgeable, highly organized and capable of effectively communicating with all levels of personnel. Recognized as a team builder and motivator possess the drive and determination to build on recent excellent performances. Considerable experience on numerous projects, working with multi-disciplinary teams, (both locally and abroad) sub contractors, co-ordinating fieldwork, performing quantitative and qualitative analysis including RCA and RCM and writing clear and concise reports. I have considerable experience in Power Station works which includes Process plant operation, Planning, Maintenance, engineering, commissioning, and Projects With many years of field experience both as a Technician and as an Operation and Maintenance Engineer. Representing Powergen on numerous overseas projects. Given the opportunity I will consider it a privilege to contribute my enthusiasm, reliability, integrity and perseverance to fulfill what is required of me for any job and is confident that I can make a great contribution to your company. Please find attached a detailed Curriculum Vita of my qualifications and experience. Yours respectfully, SAMSON SAMAROO Samson Samaroo Savannah Villas, Bld 11 Apt 05, Aranguez, Trinidad and Tobago. Email:

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